Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Searching For Amazon.

Or a needle in a haystack?

Typical. The first person my husband asked about what happened to it, was me. Husbands do have a way of transferring blame and to be honest, at times they are not so very wrong. This time, surely not?

We do occasionally shop in the portals of shopkeepers' enemy...yes, the mighty Amazon and only because the items we are after aren't available in town. Believe me, I have tried to search for them locally so in a way our conscious is clear. We put as many hurdles and obstacles in the way of purchasing purely to keep ourselves from becoming addicted to the ' see it, now buy it ' culture.

No credit card, only gift vouchers. When we do need to order we get an Amazon gift voucher at the village shop and then use it after finalizing our purchases. The mere fact that orders aren't made by simply pressing a button on the smartphone makes a huge difference. The impulse buys are thus weeded out. Thankfully so as we aren't immune to making them either.

The gift voucher. A credit card size piece of black plastic which has the codes for redemption on them. Normally not to be overlooked but recently, yesterday to be precise, it was nowhere to be found. Bob asked me straightaway if I had thrown it away whilst cleaning, to which I replied:

     " No, I didn't throw it away and in any case, I didn't clean your desk either! "

The search has begun. Bob has been going through bins, moved stuff endlessly around on the desk and even crawled under  it. Nothing. I do recall seeing it on the desk only the other day and am certain that I hadn't moved it or thrown it least, I don't recall doing so.

Unless the cat or dog took it to play with, it can only have been one of us. Both of us are now wondering ( panicking actually ) if perhaps our recent bout of corona has affected our memory. One does hear these lasting covid ailments are doing the rounds. We shall find out tonight after Bob commences another search for this elusive gift voucher....let's hope it turns up soon to put our minds at rest...


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