Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Our Dog, The Con-Artist!

 Who said that dogs aren't clever?

Oh yes, the weather has changed and the suddenly dreaded rain has appeared. Dreaded only because of our dog and his antics.

How he knew this morning that the rain had arrived, god only knows or perhaps our Mausi subconsciously told him. Fact is that contrary to any other morning, he refused to budge even an inch from his basket. Normally at about half past five in the morning he needs to go outside to relief himself. Without fail, every morning apart from today's.

He clung on to his basket for dear life and more than likely crossed his legs in order to not have to go outside. Eventually, at about half past seven ( two hours overdue no less ) I softly upturned his basket to get him up. Bob was cheering from the sidelines and telling me to watch my fingers, just in case! Well, fingers were safe and dog standing up. Even that didn't do the trick. No, I had to fetch his leash and collar, put it on and then carry him outside!

The rain had thankfully petered out to a few drops now and again but the ground was wet. Very wet, which Maxi realized straightaway. There he was tippi toeing on the wet grass, hardly moving an inch while I had to fight off the amorous attentions of our feral cat, still keeping an eye out for Maxi's ablution positions. After about a minute he did a #1, a long one and wanted to go back inside. 

No, no, he had to do his #2. Can't have him using our lounge! Honestly, I had to literally beg and cajole him in order to get him to walk two meters along. From experience I know that this will do the trick of making him go to the loo. If only you could have seen him. There he was lifting his legs like a well trained ballerina, trying to evade wet grass. Meanwhile our feral is trying to make sense of this while at the same time rubbing against my shins, showing me that he doesn't mind being out in the rain.

After a long five minutes Maxi had done his morning's ablutions and not wanting to pick a fight with him, I let him off the rest of his walk. Slowly, with his head hanging in sadness and despair at having to even be outside, he tootled back into the house. Much pulling and many choice words from my side, but eventually he was in.

Well, within seconds of me taking off his leash, he bucked in glee and ran into the lounge, doing cartwheels in anticipation for the next stage of his day, breakfast. Bob couldn't believe how energetic Maxi suddenly was, literally dancing and hopping about following me to the back room all the while yapping his happiness vocally. What a conman. From pretending to be an old and decrepit dog to suddenly hopping about like the energetic pup he is. All because of a few drops of water...

By the by, as I write this he is busy pretending to be asleep and not in need of the loo. Let's see how long he can hold it in but I suspect that the lure of his afternoon treats ( only after a long vigorous walk ) might change his stance.


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