Thursday, 26 May 2022

Accompanied By Roses.

 A colourful encounter.

The rose guardians of the vines are in full bloom. 
In the olden days the vintners would plant rose bushes at the end of a row of vines in order to see if the row was healthy. Rose blooming, wine looming...

The yellow bunch are nice and alert to this temperate start to a public holiday.

A wilder sort of rose shining among its supporting blades of urban wilderness. 

Isn't this bunch delightful? So many budding beauties awaiting to shine and bedazzle us.

An orange rose ensconced by a green support crew.
Still learning how to display its floral beauty it nonetheless looks pretty as  picture.


Wednesday, 25 May 2022

A Whole New Wardrobe!

 The hidden gems of our barn.

We do it every year, actually twice a year. First from winter to summer and then reverse. Yes, we un-clog our wardrobe and basically swap warm for cool and vica verca.

It is amazing how much stuff we accumulate. Even though we don't buy a lot of new stuff, we do like to go to the charity shops and when we do and find something fun, we buy. So, despite not wanting to get bogged down by too much stuff, we are. Especially the winter wardrobe. What with jerseys, jackets and woolen extras, the shelves fill to capacity.

Yesterday we ( actually Bob! ) went to get our summer box from the barn. A big container where our summer clothes whiled away the winter months. Luckily, not any worse for wear apart from a need to be put into the washing machine. Done, and done.

It is amazing what little treasures we unearth once we swap our seasonal clothes. It feels as though we had bought new clothes, only clothes that fit nicely and that we like. I do make a point of throwing worn-out anythings out. We all have them and often we find it difficult to let go. Better if the spouse does the sorting, and even better if done while Bob's at work....what he doesn't see, he doesn't miss, he doesn't know.

Now and again he will look for something and get a bee in his bonnet that I have tossed it out and will go through every nook and cranny in our house...only to find it at the bottom of his side of the wardrobe or in the seasonal container. Okay, there might have been times where I did throw an item of his away, but you know, men do get so overly attached to t-shirts that tend to have been chewed by moths and the like. 

Well, the old adage of  ' out of sight, out of mind '  is so true. Both of us had forgotten a lot of the clothes that we had stored in the barn and are over the moon to have a lot of ' new ' pieces to wear...


Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Maxi Got His First Clue From The Opened Window.

 ...and I had to have opened it!

Who knows at just after three in the morning what the weather might bring? Especially with our triple glazed glass windows. But open the window I did wanting to contact the new day only to be surprised by the hard sound of rain falling.

Yes, the rain had sneaked up on us during the night-yes, we desperately need it-but when one has a dog who despises rain, it wasn't a good start to the day.

Mr Maxi had vetoed a final walk last night which meant that by the time I had opened the window he had gone without a loo break for over twelve hours. Don't blame us, we valiantly tried everything to entice him for his final pee-pee break, but alas, he didn't budge an inch! Stubborn little man! So, by the time our alarm clock went I was quick in getting up and putting on proper clothes in order to take Maxi outside for his long overdue toilet break.

One would think that his bladder was bursting, wouldn't one? The moment I opened the window and heard the rain, I realized my mistake as the mister might be blind in one eye but can hear a pin drop across the room. He wouldn't budge an inch. For over an hour I tried to take him outside to no avail. You might think I should just leave him be; but don't forget most of our house has wooden floor boards and any liquid, god forbid pee-pee, seeps into the cracks rather quickly.

Eventually after an hour he deigned to be taken outside and even that, reluctantly. Thankfully he used the ablutions and at least that worry was off my mind, but he wouldn't go any further than twenty meters. No way, not in a million years. As small as he is, he has a will of steel and consistency. Can't help but admire him!

What can one do but to learn from today's affair...check the weather before opening the window within earshot of the little scamp. Who said that life with a dog was boring....?


Monday, 23 May 2022

Beautiful Roses And More.

 Nature excels herself.

Soft as velvet, pretty as a picture and lovely to behold.

Going for our walk this afternoon, Maxi and I happened across this big meadow with its magical inhabitants.

The rose orchestra at work. 

A mingling at the meadow. Each flower more stunning than the next. It boggles my mind how nature creates such magnificent works of art, year after year out of a tiny seed.

For some reason this picture reminds me of the Taj Mahal.  Clear cut lines, stunning colours and a blue sky.

A final look at the meadow, a meadow that is the home to a whole host of creatures....ants, bugs and bees to name but a few.


Sunday, 22 May 2022

A Little More About Dogs...

 Our best friends...

" The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man's. "
Mark Twain

"  If you don't own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you,
 but there may be something wrong with your life. "
Roger Caras

" Every dog must have its day. "
Jonathan Swift

" Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, 
and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. "
John Grogan

 " My fashion philosophy is, if you're not covered in dog hair, your life is empty. "
Elayne Boosler

" The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment. "
Robert Falcon Scott

" No matter how little money and few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich. "
Louis Sabin

" Opening up your life to a dog who needs a home is one of the most fulfilling things you can do. "
Emma Kenney

" Before you get a dog, you can't quite imagine what living with one might be like;
 afterwards, you can't imagine living any other way. "
Caroline Knapp

" My little dog -  a heartbeat at my feet. "
Edith Wharton


Friday, 20 May 2022

A Mixed Bag Of Quotes.

Always interesting.

" If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. "
H.G. Wells ( 1866-1946 )

" It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not pay with their own. "
H.G. Wells ( 1866-1946 )

" I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep;
 I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. "
Alexander the Great ( 356 BC-323 BC )

" No person was ever honored for what he received. 
Honor has been the reward for what he gave. "
Calvin Coolidge ( 1872-1933 )

" It takes a great man to be a good listener. "
Calvin Coolidge  ( 1872-1933 )

" Riches don't make a man rich, they only make him busier. "
Christopher Columbus  ( 1451-1506 )

" Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. "
F.Scott Fitzgerald ( 1896-1940 )

" The world as a rule does not live on beaches and in country clubs. "
F.Scott Fitzgerald ( 1896-1940 )

" Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance,
 but to do what lies clearly at hand. "
Thomas Carlyle ( 1795-1881 )

" Egotism is the source and summary of all faults and miseries. "
Thomas Carlyle ( 1795-1881 )

" The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light. "
Robert Baden-Powell ( 1857-1941 )

" I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy live. "
Robert Baden-Powell ( 1857-1941 )



Thursday, 19 May 2022

Yet Another Shopping Center Has Opened Today.

 A Mega One As Well!

What are these companies thinking? How many shopping centers does one need and more importantly, how many of them will make a profit. The shops in them, that is. Today a huge extension to our existing mega mall in Oberwart has opened.

For the last two years or so we have been privvy to the building phase as it is right next to the mall. Huge amounts of land were destroyed. Meadows that had provided some natural beauty to contrast a modern mall but now, only a concrete jungle exists.

So, today everyone and their aunt Fanny will go and check  it out, try and garner bargains ( are they ever? ) and I suppose, be seen. Good luck to them.

The irony of it is, that this new mall is a mere accumulation of several national ( yet local ) stores, a carbon copy of many a malls in Austria. Nothing really exiting, only the same old status quo. A mega Spar supermarket store-begs the question why as there is a similar one ( only been upgraded a few years ago ) not even a crow's kilometer away. Those who put two and two together will know that we, the customers will pay for this new store.

Another big national sporting goods store is also opening there and I suppose closing their other store ( ironically next to said Spar ) in order to make a go of this one. Well, I have news for them; it isn't only the slow foot traffic of the current store ( a bit out of the city center but with ample and easy parking ) that is keeping business slow. This is the store that whenever Bob or I have gone into, we have never been greeted, god forbid assisted by someone. Despite there not having been many ( any ) customers in the store. Let's see how good their customer service is in this new emporium.

Apart from all those niggles, the glaringly obvious one is the destruction of yet another natural space. Austria is infamous for its love of concreting over lawns, meadows and land. In this day of internet shopping, the last thing we need is another mega shopping center. Rather make a little side mall ( if you have to ) with small owner operated shops - health shop, beautician, hairdresser, bakery, arts & crafts, shoe shop, boutique, esoteric goods and the like.

Maybe I am wrong and this new center will become a roaring success, but I still think it should be forbidden to keep on building new when there is plenty of old, old which might stand empty if the new is built.


Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Clearly, Looks Aren't Everything.

In fact, downright deceiving.

Bob loves his burgers. Complete with a bun, lettuce and the obligatory sliced tomato. Easy to prepare and tasty too. That is until one tastes a component on its own.

The humble tomato, a family favourite that has somewhat lost its allure, taste and trust. Growing up I can remember eating tomatoes like they were apples. Gosh, is there anything nicer than biting into a ripe and proper tomato? Of course that is now a distant memory and only to be exerienced again if we win the lotto or if we start to grow them again.

The tomatoes lurking invitingly and prettily on supermarket shelves might as well be hollow shells. Sure, they look fine, in fact downright dandy but once they are home and ready to be tasted, the disappointment grows with each and every bite. They taste like cardboard and one wonders if any of the goodness attributed to tomatoes still applies. 

The organic tomatoes are just so expensive that I only buy them now and again when they are on special and I have managed to forgo buying the normal tomatoes because I mostly regret it the minute I eat one. Now and again I try a packet ( even making sure they are grown either in Austria or not much further afield ) of tomatoes and could kick myself afterwards.

What makes these fruits so dreadfully tasteless? It can't just be because they are not organic or can it? I suspect that it has a lot do to with the dilapidated soils, soils that have been robbed of nutrients through decades of pesticide and fertilizer usage. Can't really blame nature for her bit of revenge.

My hope is that with the current shortage of fertilizers and co., the fields will revert to the times of the 1950's and 60's. Yes, of course there won't be vegetables available for us to eat whenever we feel like it but at least there will be a chance for the soils to heal themselves and thereby produce a base that infuses what it grows with an abundance of flavour.  Time to start treating food as the precious commodity it is and thereby learning to appreciate instead of wasting it...Here's hoping.


Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Have We Become Wine Snobs?

 To bottle or not?

The price of empty bottles, those the winemakers use, has gone up hugely. The price of petrol too, which is going to translate into higher prices for wine.

Since moving here to Burgenland I have yet to see a boxed wine. Boxed wine was and is ubiquitous in any South African supermarket or wine merchant. Convenient, easy to use and tastes good. Three or five liters were the norm and I have to say, having a box of chilled white wine in the fridge was great. Ditto for the red boxed affair next to it.

Of course even then there was the wine elite who wouldn't be caught dead drinking boxed wine-in public! No, only bottled vino would do and the pricier the better. Look, nothing wrong with that point of view but nothing with boxed wine either.

Fast forward to today's age. Petrol prices through the roof, empty bottles almost a third more and more people in need of a nice glass or two of vino at the end of a stressful day, week or year. One never thinks about the actual logistics of getting wine from cellar to store and home. Wine bottles are heavy and transporting them around Europe or even locally, is an unnecessary expense and climate sin.

Much better to use boxes, those where one can use a little tap and save the weight of up to seven bottles. Imagine how much less pollution will be had, and how many less bottles would have to be made. Don't forget that bottles use sand,  a commodity that is getting harder to source.

I think that it is time to make boxed wine fashionable and trendy here in Austria. Boxed wine can run the same scala of tastes and flavour as bottled wine can. Having boxed wine doesn't mean one  can't imbibe in bottled wine but I can hazard a guess and say that most folks will be surprised at the taste and easy handling of a five liter box of their favourite tipple.


Monday, 16 May 2022

If I Want To Do Things Perfectly, I Would Never Do Anything At All.

 Life lesson learnt today!

Is it just me or are most of us conditioned to only do things well or not at all? Especially those things that are on display for all and sundry to see. Our fear of what the neighbours would say keeps most of us rooted in our status quo.

These last few days I have made our outside wall my little project. I didn't tell Bob when I started as he would have given me oodles of pitfalls to watch out for and then pondered if we shouldn't wait for a professional to do it. He too is conditioned with the ' only do something if it is going to turn out perfectly '  gene and only slowly is throwing caution to the wind, doing mini-projects while not being too fazed when they don't turn out perfectly.

So, I got a strong brush, bought some polyfiller and all the bits that go along with it and got stuck in last week. At first it was quite daunting wondering if I was doing it right or making it worse but then it dawned on me that it was ' worse ' already and can only be improved upon. 

Bit by bit I repaired this garden wall and every bit done made the work easier and my hand surer. In fact I enjoyed doing the repairing. The first day, even though I was far from finished, I showed Bob and he was amazed, and enthusiastically inspected my effort. Hardly any critique bar a tiny one and that was okay. Both of us are coming to the conclusion that it is okay not to be perfect, to make mistakes and more importantly, to just get stuck in knowing that it might not turn out long as it turns out.

This morning I realized that if I waited to do things perfectly, I would never attempt anything at all, and that is, has been and would be a shame! On to a new phase of living....


Sunday, 15 May 2022

A New Era Of Doggy-Do Disposal Dawns.

 All it takes is a little black plastic bag...

I have noticed this last year that I seem to be the only one in our area who uses these little black bags. It is not that difficult to use them. Often it is more difficult to get a dog to do its business! Picking up these little heaps of surprise shouldn't stand in question of whether one has to do it or not. Yet, here it is assumed that just because a forest is close by the need to pick up doggy poop is not necessary.

From personal experience I know that when one walks the same route twice a day, all year round, that constitutes a huge lot of poos and who wants to constantly have to walk past it, make sure to not step in it and most importantly, keep the dog away from it. Using a little black bag to pick it up is a no brainer and even if it wasn't law, I would do it.

Well, in today's Sunday paper there is a big two page spread on the sins committed by dog owners. The sins of omission, the sins of not picking up! Well, in a province of Italy they have taken on this problem and are fighting with high tech weapons.

DNA testing. Yes, I thought I read wrong but no, it really is so. If an offending parcel of dog poo is found, a sample is taken to be analysed for DNA. This then is compared to the data base and one that any dog that is micro chipped is on. Yes, they can now find out who the offensive ' not-picker-upper ' was and fine them. Isn't that brilliant?

One or two counties in Austria are very keen to copy this system. Imagine how much money would come into the communal coffers? Even here in our little village it would be profitable, but only for a month or so, or rather until the bush telegraph has done the rounds and the first fines issued.


Saturday, 14 May 2022

A Lunch Was Had!

 The first post corona lunch outing.

It has been so long I didn't really know what it was like anymore. Over two years of not going out to eat. Not that we go out often but now and again we loved going to have a Chinese buffet in either Oberwart or Güssing.

Well, this morning Bob suggested that we go to the Chinese for lunch and he didn't have to persuade me overly much. Only a few weeks ago I realized where the Chinese Restaurant in Güssing had gone. At first we assumed it had closed up due to the premises having been boarded up. Nothing unique in the horrid covid era. Driving a bit further out of town I noticed  their new premises, a lovely new freestanding house atop a small hill, overlooking town. Brilliant.

So, today at noon we arrived in the car park and couldn't believe how many cars there were. So many that both of us started to panic in case we wouldn't get a place! Well, of course we got a table. Their new premises are fabulous, spacious and quite comfortable. The buffet is still the same and we both had oodles of vegetable sushi and then a plate of rice with a yummy vegetable affair complete with bamboo shoots, shitake mushrooms and more. Nice.

It was business as usual and only one or two people wore their mask while standing at the buffet. I must say it felt a bit strange going without after such a long time, but we did it and I suppose we must wait and see if it was a mistake.

As for the restaurant; hats off to the owners for building a new and obviously expensive place in these uncertain times but judging from today's lunch, it was a good decision. I believe they will see us again many a times...and no, their prices have stayed the same. Euro 9,90 per person is more than reasonable when one considers that it includes soup, starters, mains and dessert...


Friday, 13 May 2022

Another Weekend Already.

 Gosh, this Friday got here rather quickly!

Just the other day it was Monday. In fact it felt like yesterday to be honest. Bob reminded me this morning that it has been two weeks since our friends had arrived for the wine festival. Isn't it funny how we look forward to an event for months and months only for it to be over in a twinkling? 

Walking my daily rounds with Maxi lets me ruminate on the neighbourhood and its people. It has almost been a year since he moved in with us and in that time I have noticed many a changes and many a personality whilst walking past. Very interesting and keeps my mind occupied while Maxi deigns to dawdle along. At times he can try the patience of a saint!

The last few days it has been extraordinarily hot. Hot like it usually is during August. Cloyingly hot, annoyingly hot and certainly not wished for hot. There is no chalking this one up to ' it's normal, we've had it this hot in past as well. " No, even hardcore denialists will have to change their mind and tune.

Time to get stuck in. Travel less, mow less, consume less and think more about doing the right thing. Often I see the younger generation down the road drive literally fifty meters in order to visit their parents. Goodness me, don't they realize that they will be the ones bearing the brunt of the climate change? Honestly, I have to make a concerted effort not to say something to them!

So, it is Friday and the start of our weekend. Long my it feel, and blissfully uneventful may it be. A whole two days of sleeping in late ( until five at least ), eating pizza and generally enjoying being at home.


Thursday, 12 May 2022

A Few More Pics.

 Another smashing summer morning.

The early morning sunshine lent innocence and romance to this lovely shrub.

Before the chestnut becomes one, it wows us with awesome beauty.

Not nature, but nice nonetheless. A couple of tourists have parked their iconic VW bus so perfectly that I had to take a photo. Who knew that these buses would become so sought after and rare...

The chestnut blossom once again. The tree is magnificent and I could have stood there for hours contemplating it.

Leaves touched by the sun become illuminated and beckon one's gaze like nothing else could...

Is there anything nicer than blossoms on a sunny summer's morn?


Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Mash And More...

 Rediscovering old favourites and faithfuls.

There are days when it takes a while for the menu plan to drop down the old brain and there are days when it positively jumps to the forefront even before breakfast. Cooking every night is fun but finding tempting combinations isn't a given.

I like to surprise Bob with new and tasty morsels but also make sure to cook is favourites. Luckily for me these are almost fast food. Pasta and pesto, can't get any easier! Tonight though, I want to try a new version of burgers. 

Bob loves his burgers in a roll, but I needed to use up some old rolls and decided to make bread crumbs from them ( rather than to throw them away ) and combine them with chickpeas to make burger patties. Recipes are a waste of time for me as it always depends on what is in the fridge because burger patties for me are a nice way to use up leftovers, and of course to smuggle in an extra vegetable or three!

The other day I got a 5 kg bag of organic potatoes for 3,95 euros and boiled a whole lot of them at lunch time. Some for me, with butter and salt for lunch and the rest is awaiting being squashed for a big pot of mashed potatoes. Yes, I forgot about mashed potatoes until I contemplated how I could prepare these cooked potatoes alongside my burger patties.

Even now I can't wait to taste it. Hopefully I can get it creamy, fluffy and plain yummy. Again I am amazed at what one can do with little. Potatoes are very cheap, the chickpeas even more so and together they provide a good and healthy meal. Enough protein, possibly more than if we had real meat, and the comforting knowledge that chickpeas at the cutting edge of health and more than able to kick any cholesterol, sugar or baddies out of our system.

As for the chickpeas; we shopped at Tesco's in Hungary last Saturday and managed to get 500 g of dried chickpeas for under a euro. This packet, once cooked, has so far provided us with four lunches and now tonight's dinner....


Tuesday, 10 May 2022

A Flowery Tuesday.

Wonderful Eisenberg.

 A lovely hanging flower. Mauve, beautiful and quite scented.

The poppies are back again. Gosh, when I saw them this morning I couldn't believe that a whole year had gone...

A purple wildflower being elegantly hidden by many blades of grass.

 There is always a diva...this one being supported by many bit players who make everything more beautiful.

Further down the hill these delicate yellow wildflowers were cheerfully waiting to be seen...nothing nicer than a meadow with long grass in it.

Not to be forgotten...the daisies. Plain, bright and wonderful.


Monday, 9 May 2022

An Early Start To The Season.

 Working with the daylight.

It is that time of the year again. The sun's up nice and early and with it our time tables have changed. Bob works outside and it is much better to start early and to finish before the sun can cause too much fatigue and damage.

Now in May the first hour has been put back. More time shifts from June, but at the moment one hour suffices. So this morning Bob left for work at a quarter past six. Nice and early. Of course we got up much earlier, in fact at four leaving us enough time to shake out the cobwebs with a few cups of coffee and a sedate start to the day.

Last night Bob was very good and went to bed an hour earlier. He is getting more disciplined the older he gets! I, on the other hand had a yearning to watch the Miami Grand Prix and thus had to stay up later. Goodness but I don't like these late starting times. Half past nine in the evening our time meant that I had to valiantly fight sleep for two hours in order to see the race.

Somehow I made it to the start of the race but promptly fell asleep in lap 10 only to awaken again at the end of the race. What a silly thing of me to do. Clearly I should have known better and realized that there is hardly a night where I see anything on the telly past eight o'clock. Fancy me wanting to watch this Grand Prix!!!

Oh yes, this morning wasn't easy for me but after a nice cup of coffee the day got off to a great start and the early season too. I had forgotten how nice it is to do everything an hour or two earlier. It will take me a few days to get used to an earlier supper routine, but what can one do but join the ' early bird specialists'  and have supper long before the sun sets...


Sunday, 8 May 2022

A Mother's Day Tribute.

 Some more quotes.

" God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. "
Rudyard Kipling

" A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children soundly sleep in them. "
Victor Hugo

" If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? "
Milton Berle

" The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. "
James E. Faust

" A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place. "
Amy Tan

" The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. "
Honore de Balzac

" Having kids-the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings-is the biggest job anyone can embark on. "
Maria Shriver

" There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood. "
Elder M. Russell Ballard

" Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother. "


Saturday, 7 May 2022

A Saturday Filled With Rain And Reflections.

 A lovely day to spend at home and at leisure.

Rain keeps us indoors. Rain lets us take it easy unless we need to be outside. Rain on a weekend can't be beat. Yes, one naturally tends to at first complain due to the lack of sunshine and the exuberance of rain, but isn't it perfect for doing everything needed to recharge ones batteries and energy? 

Lounging on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea at hand is the perfect antidote to a stressful work week. Thinking of what to eat for lunch and the snacks leading up to it. Childhood favourites always come to mind. The old chips, ice cream and custard way.

The other day I read an article in a magazine and in it was a woman's reflection on growing older. She was turning 40 and had decided to go on a course in order to learn to be comfortable in her own skin. At first it sounded silly and cliche, but isn't that exactly what we are all yearning for?

Imagine that, being comfortable in our own skin. Not bothering or caring what others think. Being happy with what we are; thin, big, wrinkled, beautiful or not. Why do most of us always try and please everyone. Being liked seems to be the nirvana of society but is it really?

How often have we twisted and turned ourselves like a pretzel in order to please a person. Be it family, friends or mere acquaintance, only to find out in the end that it was a huge waste of time. Those that we try to impress by not being ourselves, can't be impressed. They will somehow find fault with even the tiniest thing. It is true and to be honest, we have all done it. Found fault where we shouldn't have done so.

If our authenticity will carry favour is an open question but it is worth a try. Being authentic is easy because we don't have to pretend to be a different version of ourselves. At the end of the day we should be liked for who we are not what we are. A fancy house, a beautiful wardrobe, an expensive car and all  of it neat and tidy are just trappings and not the real us. So, here is to learning to like living and being happy within my own skin.


Friday, 6 May 2022

A Little Bit Of Feeling Good.

 Others have said it better...

" Instead of going out for dinner, buy good food. Cooking at home shows such affection. In a bad economy, it is more important to make yourself feel good. "
Ina Garten

" One way to feel good about yourself is to love take care of yourself. "
Goldie Hawn

" What is moral is what you feel good after, what is immoral is what you feel bad after. "
Ernest Hemingway

" When I feel good about myself, things start happening for myself. 
When you look up, you go up. "
Herschel Walker

" If you feel good about who you are inside, it will radiate. "
Patti Smith

" I am constantly amazed that owners and managers of all businesses don't train their people to call a person who pays by credit card by name. It definitely makes the customer feel good and will be a factor in bringing them back to your place of business. "
Zig Ziglar

" It's never bad to be liked, and who doesn't feel good being liked, 
but that can't be your end game goal. "
Jessica Capshaw

" I love singing in the car, it makes me feel good. "
Scotty McCreery


Thursday, 5 May 2022

Nothing So Vitalizing As An Early Walk In Nature.

 Nature being in Burgenland...bonus!

This morning the weather gods aligned to make a perfect Burgenland day.

A strip of gold at the end of the road... The yellow Raps is in full bloom.

Those few tall trees in the distance could almost make one believe that we are in the Toscana...

Nature does make the most perfect frame on and for anything.

Our Eisenberg lingering in the background looking mightily attractive and proving once again why this is such a fabulous place to live in...


Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Lovely Lilac In Our Garden.

 Another marvel of nature.

A lovely array of lilacs enriching our front wall as well as giving us a bit more privacy.

This morning the sun gave an extra edge to the visual feast of a lilac shrub.

Almost like a bunch of flowers. The green leaves do know how to make a statement...

So nice and intricate. So soothing. So calming.

Just a nice image...

A nice addition to our neighbour's facade...


Tuesday, 3 May 2022

The Wonderful Smell Of Rain.

 Maxi and I got caught in a bout of rain.

As you know he does not like rain. At the first sniff of rain he changes gear. Into reverse and just for good measure he stops drinking water and lays with his legs crossed until he can't hold it in anymore. Eventually he deigns to be taken outside and even there he suddenly finds the wherewithal to do all his business within meters of our front door step. A clever chap indeed!

This afternoon we headed out with cheerful barks in lovely sunshine albeit a few clouds had gathered. These clouds decided to dissipate into raindrops when we were just getting into our stride. Almost halfway into the walk and as the rain only came from one cloud, I could fool Maxi into carrying on. 

Once or twice he felt a drop but by then we were more than halfway and clever as he is, he realized that going forward was his best option. Gosh, the rain on a warm summer's day was brilliant. Alone the smell of raindrops hitting warm stones is priceless and can instantly transport us to those times where we lived for jumping into puddles and didn't give a thought to having muddy wet clothes or washing them!

Maxi too had a strange look of remembrance on his little face and didn't once balk at carrying on. Both of us eventually got drenched by another cloud, one big enough to cover half the neighbourhood, but somehow we didn't mind. Maxi even took the time to sniff at a dwindling smell. Rain makes a clean slate of any territorial canine markers. Goody, tomorrow he can be the first to mark his turf.

As I am sitting at the kitchen table I can see more clouds gathering outside. We so need the rain that I think nobody will mind it. A few muddy foot prints in the entrance or an extra day to dry the washing is all worth it...


Monday, 2 May 2022

A Vegan Surprise For Lunch.

 A weekend of wine tastings.

It was the annual spring wine festival again, although we can't call it that anymore due to those two lost corona years in between. Strange how we have all developed this two year gap in our life-line. Suddenly friends and people last seen before the ' gap-years ' look that much more grown up and fuller of experience. Yes, we have aged unseen similar to the Blaufränkish in many a local cellar.

Thankfully normality is back again and with that we had a lovely weekend of wine tastings with old and new friends. As per usual, less is more but we are still learning that idiom with each passing year. These wine festivals could also be used as an experiment for psychologists who need to determine our collective and individual will powers!

So there we were on Saturday, in the lovely hills of Rechnitz looking forward to a nice lunch. Bob and I had remembered from previous excursions that there was a place that sold a warm vegan meal. Well, not a meal but a langos, deep-fried flatbread, that would do us fine. Everywhere else the plates of schnitzel, Schweinsbraten and co ruled. Fair enough, it is our choice to be vegan after all.

So both of us ordered a langos and had saliva dripping out of the corners of our mouths in anticipation for this hot meal. The others were already tucking into their Schweinsbraten when eventually ours came. It looked delicicous as only a deep-fried something can.

Bob started to eat his first and as he cut a little piece off he let out a shout; 

          " Babes, don't eat this. There is ham and cheese inside it. "

Can you believe it? There they had changed the menu and not made special mention of it. No more vegan fare here! Drat how annoying. We were hungry and disappointed at the same time. Despite being cross I tried to calm down Bob ( he was blazing mad! ) and direct his attention to a bowl of sliced bread and the plate of cabbage salad his friends had given up for him. Look, we didn't starve. Bread is just fine but the disappointment vast.

During the two days of wine festival I got talking to a few vintners ( checking to see if their bread on offer was just that ) and they told me that quite a lot of vegans had been at tasting. So, there is hope for us and as I said, we had plenty of bits of bread to eat at the various stations and that was just dandy as it didn't divert from the nice taste of the wines...


Sunday, 1 May 2022

Some More Pictures.

 Birches and more...

Apple blossom at their best.

A happening tree. The apple blossoms playing host to a hive of bees.

There are a few birch trees on the side of the main road leading into Eisenberg. They have such an interesting colour scheme, a scheme that brightens my day often.

Isn't it divine?

A tower of strength...


A Lovely Visual Summer's Morning.

 Eisenberg shines....

The lilac, this one a pure white hue, outdoes itself in pulchritude.

The reds do seem to have that elusive attraction.

A duet of sorts...

A bit more of this vibrant red shrub. I wish you could have seen it in person. One couldn't help but be drawn to it...

A bit further down the road stands an apple orchard with various varietals. The bees were buzzing and the mood was too.


Friday, 29 April 2022

Some Inspiration.


 " Believe you can and you're halfway there. "
Theodore Roosevelt

" I can't change the direction of the wind,
 but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. "
Jimmy Dean

" Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. "
Francis of Assisi

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. "
Henry David Thoreau

" To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. "
Lao Tzu

" If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. "
Milton Berle

" Change your thoughts and you change your world. "
Norman Vincent Peale

" Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven. "
Rainer Maria Rilke

" If we did all things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. "
Thomas A. Edison


Thursday, 28 April 2022

A Little Bit Of Scoundrel's Dictionary.

 Funny slang from the 18th century.


Bedfordshire........I am for Bedfordshire, i.e. for going to bed.

Corporation.....    A large belly. He has a glorious corporation, he has a very prominent belly.

Crashing cheats.....Teeth.

Croaker....       One who is always foretelling some accident or misfortune: 
                           an allusion to the croaking of a raven, supposed ominous.

Cut one's stick.....To be off.

Dog's soup....Rain water.

Fart catcher....A valet or footman, from his walking behind his master or mistress.

Friday-face....A dismal countenance. Before, and even long after the Reformation, 
                      Friday was a day of abstinence.

Irish apricots.....Potatoes.

Mopsqueezer.....A maid servant, particularly a housemaid.

Not a feather to fly with....Ruined.

Piss Prophet....A physician who judges of the diseases of his patients 
                         solely by the inspection of their urine.

Pockets to let....Out of cash; done up.


Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Burgenland, Miles Ahead Of The Rest.

 The repair bonus.

Only this afternoon I read about this ingenious way. The repair bonus. Such a simple concept, such a huge impact on wallets and the planet.

If you repair your defect, non-working or dare I say out of fashion electrical gadget the county of Burgenland will reimburse your bill to the tune of up to 200 euros. Isn't that brilliant? Seemingly old hoovers, cranky televisions, radios or fridges can now be re-introduced into the family. No scrap yard for them. Love it.

Burgenland, or rather its premier, has hit the nail on the head. Everything is getting more expensive due to the horrid conflict next door to us which translates to many folks not having enough money to buy new stuff. Especially a generation who isn't used to repairing things. A hole in your jeans-buy a new pair. A broken cord of any appliance-again, replace it.

Not anymore I hope. Of course the problem will be of where to get things repaired as the various tradesmen are disappearing fast. Although, maybe the new lot of school levers will start to eschew university for a trade. Tradesmen are extremely secure in their job and earn a lot of money with it. Not so sure about the oodles of accountants, lawyers, economists and Philosophers. True wealth is being able to tell people you are a mechanic, plumber, electrician or builder. 

As for Burgenland, it is tops when the going gets tough. Two years ago at the start of corona and its impact, it introduced a 75 euro holiday bonus. When one stayed at any holiday establishment in Burgenland for more than three nights, Burgenland reimbursed you 75 euros. Oh yes, Burgenland had a smashing year in regards to tourism and last year this bonus was repeated. 

This thinking outside the box is brilliant and makes me proud to live in Burgenland....


Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Working On One's Verge, The Perfect Vantage Point!

 A spot of gardening and more...

Yes, it is that time of the year again when one has to sort out the weeds seen by the old public. Especially those gracing the border of our long hedge. Dandelion and co. seem to thrive on the edge of our hedge and with a sudden burst of energy I attended to them this morning.

All done by hand apart from a few utensils but nothing motorized. Good golly gosh, our area seems to be the mecca of motorized gardening equipment, be it a sit on lawnmower or a electrical hedge trimmer. Don't they realize that the exercise done by not using the easy machines can prolong life like nothing else? Just have a look who sits atop the motorized lawnmowers!

Anyway, tedious work this morning but well worth it. My arms are like jelly, something usually only felt after a vigorous workout at a gym, and tomorrow my legs will make themselves felt for sure. It was rather comical; the eyes of one of my neighbours were felt, and the others too. Cars stopped and walkers too.

Seeing others working in gardens or on the house is a very soothing past time and I myself have partaken in it and felt the benefit from it! It is an ice breaker like nothing else and even this morning, one of the villagers stopped to chat with me about God and the world which normally she wouldn't have done. Often just a quick nod. A car or two slowed down to give me a friendly wave or more a case of trying to see what I was up to. Not often that I can be seen in the garden.

In a world where Twitter has just been sold for outrageous amounts of money to one man, doing simple and ordinary things like a spot of gardening puts everything into perspective. Social media has reached its zenith ( in my view ) and can only go downhill from here on...we need to be reminded that talking to a person face to face is what our society was built on and not those few trimmed down words and sentences read on a mobile device.


Monday, 25 April 2022

The Delightful Lilac.

 A visual treat around the neighbourhoods.

Whichever way one looks at it, it is beautiful.

All of a sudden the blossoms have sprung along with a marvelous buzzing of bees and of course the pleasing aroma of lilac. Winter is gone for sure.

One can't help but feel happiness when standing in front of a lilac shrub! Was there ever a more delicate shade of mauve?

Coupled with a blue sky and a white wall, the lilac bush shines to and in perfection. Another beautiful Burgenland morning.

Another lilac shrub, a deeper shade of purple but only due to the blossoms not having opened properly  Still a feast to behold...
