Monday, 28 March 2022

A Nice And Gentle Monday Morning.

 Village life...

Early, before the sun was even up I, sorry we, ran into an energetic and dapper octogenarian. He was dressed for the day going for his walk, whereas Maxi and I were mere minutes out of bed. A sight indeed.

We shot the breeze for a bit and then headed off into our separate directions. Fast forward an hour and a half...I had just come back from my solo walk and was turning into our street when I happened to pass the same man yet again. Only this time he was coming from the other direction.

    " Gosh, have you walked all this time? "

" Yes, I went to Deutsch-Schützen and back. Isn't it wonderful to be able to walk? "

What a fabulous person. He must have walked close close to 6 kilometres and to be honest, he didn't even look as though he had broken a sweat. As he told me; 
                                        " Wer rastet, der rostet / who rests rusts. "
Well, an inspirational start to the week indeed.

Later in the afternoon I took the boy yet again for his round and ran into a couple of our neighbours with their toddlers in tow. Gosh, at the top of my head I can think of at least 10 babies that were born this last year, on our block! What is happening? That is a Kindergarten class ready made!

As one does, I stopped to catch up on the latest news. There has been a lone walker, with crutches, backbrace and built up shoes which we didn't know how he featured into Eisenberg. Well, no longer. It turns out he the son of one of the Eisenbergers who is recuperating from an accident.

While I was standing there, one of the young mothers was fiddling with her top, a top that had a touch of maternity about it. I wasn't sure as nowadays these tops are trendy regardless if one is in the family way. It was a delicate moment which I chose to handle diplomatically by not asking if she was expecting. God forbid she had put on weight the normal way! Never mind though, the town crier will soon let me know if baby #11 is on the way...


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