Monday, 21 March 2022

And There We Are, The First Day Of Spring.

 A new season, new beginnings. 

Yeah, finally winter is over and done with. Although quite a few die-hards are adhering to their convictions that an extremely cold spell is still ahead. Oh well, just like the one the newspapers predicted at the start of this winter - they mentioned the coldest winter yet - making us all rush out to batten down the warmth hatches. Still waiting, still happy.

Like clockwork the sun is out with a great show of strength and solidarity for this spring ahead. May it bode well for everyone. The mornings are of course still slightly on the chilly side but one can't have it all.

The season of drying one's laundry out for all and sundry to see is here and I love it. Nothing more soothing than to go up to hang out the washing and nothing more depressing at the start of winter realizing that many months ahead the washing will be wrangled over a drying horse. 

The birds have been tweeting at the top of their lungs since yesterday and mistakenly I thought they too were happy about the change of seasons. No, when I happened to glance outside to their feeding platform I couldn't believe my eyes. There one of our feral lodgers had taken up residence. Sitting mightily pretty on the outer rim of this bird-feeding-house. To lazy to hunt she thought she'd just sit and wait for supper to fly into her mouth. No wonder that our bird community were screeching at the top of their lungs at this affront!

This spring we can all hope and pray that life will return to normal for a country. To pray that certain individuals will finally come to their senses and stop this madness. What does it say about humanity that these acts of horror and evil are happening in front of our eyes if we are lucky and if not, are happening to us. History will not judge our generation well, and perhaps there is a small glimmer of hope for peace with the new season ahead.


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