Tuesday 24 August 2021

A Satisfying Quarter Of An Hour Spent Clothes Shopping.

The joys of shopping in second-hand shops.

Bob and I went to Oberwart this morning and took a turn at the local Caritas shop. Gosh, they had an amazing special: all clothes and shoes 2 euros per item. 

Yeah, saving money, saving space in the landfill and saving the environment in one swoop.....

Bob found a pair of original 501 Levis and is over the moon. Imagine, 2 euros!!!!

 He found a great dress shirt, and a label one too boot. A Ralph Lauren shirt for again, 2 euros. 
The staff there was also kind enough to check if they had anymore similar shirts in the back. Sadly not, but there is always another time.

Isn't it funny how people volunteering are friendlier than the people paid to work? After our stint at this shop we went across the road to a health shop and the lady there was sour as anything almost doing me a favour to take my money!

Bob has a good eye for things...he spotted this nice rain jacket. Fabulous for me to walk in. Although Bob mentioned that he might take it into the vineyards....we'll see about that!!!!

A red sports jacket, one that is just perfect for lounging around. Glad someone threw it out because I have space in my wardrobe.

Finally, a pair of black pants. From Otto Kern, an expensive German label.
I normally don't worry about labels, but I wanted to make people aware of what nice stuff is out there on the second-hand circuit.

Every little deed counts in saving our climate and environment, and supporting second-hand now and again helps slow down the fast-fashion madness.


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