Tuesday 3 August 2021

August, Here Again!

The end of summer beckons.

The months just keep flowing into each other and even though one shouldn't wish time away, I am glad to be rid of those extreme hot days. Hopefully they are a thing of the past and don't venture into our neck of the woods for some time to come.

August, means the last months of the summer holidays and by now many kids will have doffed their scholastic robes and quite happily leaned back and relaxed. Tanned, chilled and certainly not looking forward to the start of school in four weeks time. 

What the school year will bring no one can tell. The pandemic isn't over yet and judging from the sheer number of people heading to beaches near or far, the school year to come might be a carbon copy of the one just past.

The mornings are lovely and crisp which I have found out that Maxi loves. He can't wait to go outside and run around, dragging me behind. It is so heart breaking that I can't let him off the leash but he can hardly see so the times I did let him off, he ran into walls and stones in his path. Sad, but now he has me to guide him. So the leash is just dandy and in a way gives him surety that he isn't alone.

As I am sitting at the kitchen table the clouds are flitting past the window, some grey and some white.  We are so lucky not to have been affected by the horrendous weather calamities of late. Either the floods and hail in parts of Austria and Germany or the horrific wildfires in Greece, Turkey and Italy. Gosh, how much more before we start to collectively change our lifestyles?

August makes the shortened days more visible. Whereas a month ago it was light before five, now it is closer to six. At the moment Maxi's internal clock is set for going outside before five but today I managed to distract him until half past five before heading outside. Honestly, I don't mind going for a walk that early, but it certainly isn't fun to bag up his business in the dark! And before you suggest leaving it, you don't know our neighbours and their eagle eyes...



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