Monday 9 August 2021

Walkies! The Eccentricities Displayed By Our Delightful Old Dog.

Are they real or is he just playing with me?

All I know is that my neighbours are having a fantastic time watching the two of us attempting our daily walk. Early mornings, when nobody watches us, are not a problem and in fact he trots around like a young pup complete with elan and a grin.

The midday, afternoon and evening sessions are the problem. Yes, he does need to go out that often because being so old his bladder isn't as strong as it used to be. Granted, it has been hot but the silly sweetheart refuses to take the route that is covered in shade. No, he wants to promenade on the main road in direct sunlight.

That's where our little power struggle starts. I try and lead him into the shade for obvious reasons but he lately puts on all four brakes and refuses to budge another millimetre. Only option ( and believe me, I have done it ) is to pick him up and carry him about a hundred meters down the forest lane. Once I put him down he can only go home. Oh yes, he knows where home is. 

Often he stops mid-walk because he gets distracted by a dog barking in the distance, a child shouting or a car approaching. Stop and no further until I coax him out of his trance. Well, today he upped the ante. We were about ten meters into our walk ( and believe me, he needed to relieve himself ) when he decided to plonk himself down in the middle of the road. Yes, as if it was nap time! Yikes, a senior moment or a play at being picked up....well, pick him up I did which is what he wanted all along judging by the silly grin he had on his face.

 Clever little one has me snookered. If I want him to do a number two, I have to agree to his terms however far-fetched or annoying they are. Well, not annoying as I quite like carrying him about...Oh yes, I can see that I created my own problem but what can you do when this little dog is so cute?


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