Monday 23 August 2021

An Interesting Winter Ahead For Maxi & I.

 The little man doesn't like cold, rain or I suppose, snow!

Last night it started raining and of course, it continued well into the morning, the morning I usually take the boy out for his morning rituals. Calling him a boy is akin to fake news....he is an old and grumpy little man!

I know he was desperate for his outing this morning, but the minute he felt a raindrop on his back, all bets were off and he put on his four little but surprisingly strong brakes. Nothing, really nothing would budge him. At least he eventually deigned to walk to the gate and relief himself against his favourite shrub. Small mercies because after that the only way I could move him was to carry him inside.

Trying a bit later, because let's face it I live in constant fear of tripping or stepping on one of his #2s inside our house, I went a step further and got his warm coat out. Gosh, I thought he would be thrilled to step outside stylishly clad in a warm covering but no, even trying to get his feet through the foot-hole proved to be impossible and was accompanied by growls and snipes. Yikes, what a grumpy old man!

Naturally  I left him alone as I value my fingers too much but I could see that he was ashamed of his outburst and was watching my every move from his basket in his own way purveying a sense of being sorry. Cunningly I realized that eventually his need would be too great that even a few drops of rain wouldn't make a difference. Yes, true.

What will I do every morning and evening come winter? Should I offer him treats each time he does his business outside, or should I get a carry sling and carry him far enough away from the house that when I put him down, he would run straight back home and hopefully stop along the way for you know what.

The plot thickens and I fear his waistline will too. Imagine not going for long walks? No, I will have to find a way that he enjoys going for a walk with me regardless of what the weather holds in store. Fun and games ahead for sure...


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