Wednesday 4 August 2021

Feeling Hopeful About Hofer.

 The shop, not the politician!

And just like that the parameters changed. Hofer, the discounter from Germany where it goes by the name of Aldi, has with one post changed the playing field for vegans here in Austria.

They asked a question online. 

        What vegan foods would you like us to stock?

and the people answered. Over a thousand replies so far and still going. As it stands, Hofer has been very proactive on the vegan front and we buy our milk from them. The best vegan one on the market...according to us. In the past few years they have added more and more purely vegan foods and I love that. 

It isn't as though I buy all of what they have because it is rather processed. Vegan or not, processed isn't good. Only now and again. But the fact that the Hofer chain is asking what other vegan foods to stock tells me that veganism is here to stay. Imagine, Austria the land of Schnitzel & co. developing a love for  Tofu & co. too.

Apart from my love of the vegan lifestyle, I am thrilled for each and every one that joins us because it means that the climate can get a breather. If only people knew how much the environment is helped each time one chooses a vegan option over the carnivore one, they might stop being so anti-vegan.

The last few months we have all come to realize and feel what climate change actually looks like. From abstract paper headlines to reality. It isn't pleasant, is it? What if all of us choose to eat vegan one, two or three days a week? That alone would make such a huge difference. Less rain forest burnt, less animals raised in factories more ground water available and hopefully a chance at stopping those awful temperature increases.

Hofer has realized the potential of catering for vegans and I hope that the other major supermarket chains will follow suit. A good day for our earth...


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