Monday 2 August 2021

The Little Man Needs A Raincoat.

Delicate and stubborn...

Unless he has very pressing matters to attend to, he won't put a foot out in the rain. Suddenly a small 6 kg bundle of joy turns into a 100 kg anchor. All feet anchored and the only way he might deign to go outside is if I carry him. Yes, a dog's life.

He does have a bathrobe of sorts which his other mummy used to put on as soon as he came back inside after a walk in the rain. Granted, his fur does tend to soak up all the moisture from grass, puddles and raindrops. Putting on his ' dry-robe ' is such fun as I have to first put his head through the collar section ( which he does without any grumbles ) then accommodate his tail and finally tie everything together with a belt around his middle. Love it and I think he does too. Nice, fluffy and warm.

Well, it rained this morning and it reminded me that he needs a raincoat, and when I was in town today I had a look at the canine clothes on offer at the pet emporium. Gosh, raincoats galore but yikes, how pricey! The cheapest and honestly, most flimsy and ugly one, cost 15 euros and the most expensive a hefty 40 euros. Are these folks mad? So much for a tiny bit of cloth? No, never mind he will just have to get wet as dogs have been doing for centuries!

When I told mum she suggested that I sew my own, which after the initial shock  ( sewing isn't my strong suit ) I thought, why not? I do have two old rain coats that I was going to throw away due to them having holes and they would just be perfect to design raincoats with.

My knitting and crocheting isn't that bad so I am hoping that sewing fits right in there. Poor Maxi will be my model and who knows, he might look so fetching in this raincoat-to-be that my phone will be ringing off the hook...or he might be scared for life!


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