Thursday 5 August 2021

Changing Times.

 The early day shifts are ending.

Another sign that summer is waning. The days are getting shorter and with that our early morning starts are gone. Well, by small increments but still, getting up at three in the morning seems to be a thing of the past. Until next year...

Daylight is taking longer to set its distinct marker and thus Bob's work hours are moving back an hour. We still get up before most sparrows and villagers. Funny how the weather determines our alarm clock setting. Bob knew yesterday already that today would be a day filled with bouts of rain and thus our alarm clock was set for a late five thirty. Almost a sleep in!

A fat lot of good that did. Like clockwork the two of us woke up at half past three. Yes, our bodies are used to the early times and I have to say, waiting until Bob had to leave for work seemed like an age. Even organizing our pets was out of kilter. They too are used to us starting early and their internal clocks are set for it.

The new outside cat who is still nameless in case she gets found by her parents ( apart from girly, kitty cat, silly & precious ), was already hovering at the front door waiting for her breakfast at four, Mausi sleepily took note of every endearment we uttered towards a dozy Maxi and he, poor lamb, had to hold his business a bit longer until I was ready for him. Even light took forever to appear.

The day started with a rain burdened sky which gave us a timely reminder of the autumn to come. Those divine rainy days that are neither too cold nor too warm but perfect for reading a book, drinking a hot cup of tea or knitting something for the ever growing fold of pets.

On the flip-side, it gets darker earlier and nothing wrong with that. Somehow an evening seems more like it when it is underscored by a dark background.


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