Thursday, 28 March 2019

The Essence Of Life.

Unexpected but highly interesting point of view is encountered.

We all pay lip-service to the idea that you can't take it with you, but in reality we race through our lives trying our hardest to fill the coffers to the brim not realizing that full or not, they stay behind. Our village has had rather a lot of funerals lately and it makes me think about what is important in and to life.

The one thing everyone tends to trample over on the way to wealth is health. Ironically that is a non renewable commodity which many only find out when it is too late. Alas, pills aren't the panacea everyone imagines and relies on.

Only this morning I unexpectedly managed to get an audience with the local plumber. Modern living can't be faced without having a plumber on hand to fix bathroom emergencies. So yes, they are up on the same pedestal as hairdressers, doctors and electricians. So when I heard that he would drop by, I instantly changed an appointment I had to be able to get together with him.

And there came my surprise when after finishing we got to chat among other things about death. Death and how we leave with no pockets to take stuff along. As he was telling me his intention to take life easy in order to enjoy it while he had it, it was as if he was preaching to the converted. To me it was a most refreshing discovery to realize that there are rare gems about if one takes the time to listen.


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