Monday, 4 March 2019

The Soft Footfall Of Lent Is Heard.

Another chance to change.

Lent is taken seriously by some, half baked by others and with levity by those who only last a couple of days. Lent, what does it really stand for? As nice as it is for folks to cause profits of liquor and chocolate companies to drop, that couldn't have been what it was invented for.

Lent, makes a few go pious for forty days before reverting back to norm. The healthy glow of many does give a clue to what they've chosen to abstain from but few can be seen to polish their inner compass.

Lent is clearly long enough to change habits, in fact almost twice as long. What I would love to see or rather feel more is being kind to others. Being friendly. Making a person count by acknowledging them with a nod, wave or friendly greeting. Alas, the latter has been forgotten more often than it was remembered and speaking as a person who has moved here without knowing more than my parents, it makes the world of difference to be greeted, acknowledged and even asked how life is going.

Being kind shouldn't even be on Lent's list as it should be automatic because those who adhere to Lent are also those who enjoy a weekly sermon and unless I am mistaken, that is at the top of the list of preach-able topics. Kindness comes in so many shapes and forms that one can't say it is difficult to adhere to.

In our haste to have everything done quickly, to communicate at dizzying speeds with all and sundry abroad we omit the people who count or should count the most in our lives. Isn't it ironic that so many ingratiate and idolize people in the abstract who they perhaps see every now and then ( if ever ) yet ignore, dismiss or forget the friends, family and neighbours in front of them?


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