Wednesday, 13 March 2019

The Sheer Bliss Of Leading A Simple Life.

Ordinary but far from boring.

Being content is half the rent. Life being lived trying to achieve one notch after the other on the perceived totem pole of success is far from peaceful and dare I say an uncertain type of business. Take the nation yonder over the pond who are not sure what their lives will look like next month.

All those trappings of success might be worth a lot less from one day to the next. To think of all the stresses endured to own all that stuff and then the worry over losing it...not much fun and far from relaxing.

Contentment for me is having roots. Contentment is thinking up an elaborate dinner for Bob and having him ask for a second helping. Contentment is seeing our two cats rush towards us for a cuddle with the cutest little smile on their faces. Contentment is the ability to potter along and enjoy life's simple moments.

A bee feasting on a budding flower, a dog being elated to see me, the sun shining and thus affording me a chance to hang the washing out to dry. These are the moments that dot the i's and give a feeling of being in the right place. A simple life might mean a small car, old well worn clothes and second hand furniture but it also means freedom. Freedom not to buy into the notion that we are what we look like, what we have, where we live and how many likes we get from arbitrary friends on social media.

The latter being the font of ill feeling among so many. If only they realized that what others post is far from real and the staged happiness is really just that, staged. Perhaps the best chance of feeling content with what we have is to opt out of social media...because it is okay just to be normal...


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