Saturday, 3 August 2019

Entertaining Family The Vegan Way.

A culinary challenge.

As we are the resident vegans it is far easier to cook vegan for everyone as opposed to making two different meals every time. All well and good until one is faced with finding inspiration. No good making bland food seeing that we have sort of morphed into vegan ambassadors.

Isn't it funny how normally cooking for ourselves is just dandy despite the odd lapses of boring dishes thrown into the mix. Nobody is always on top form and when it is only for Bob and I, that gets chalked up as ' not our best effort ' and ' let's not cook that one again '...

Having our family here for three weeks is a perfect opportunity to dispel the notion that Bob and I live on rabbit food and more to the point, to prove that we are hale and hearty for it. But to do that, I want to put interesting, tasty and substantial meals on the table. So far so good, but I am not convinced that there isn't a secret stash of dried beef in their suitcase, eaten in secret!

Today's lunch was rather delicious ( at least I thought so ) and healthy. Wholewheat falafel wraps with the usual vegetable suspects dressed in tahin, mayonnaise and hot chilli sauce. Definitely a meal I am going to make again. Great way to use up the odd leftovers while at the same time sneaking in a few super foods.

As I keep telling mum, even when we were cooking the non-vegan way there were many days when inspiration and inclination was nowhere to be seen, yet now that we are vegans we expect to be inspired three times a day, every day. Impossible and thankfully so. Being vegan doesn't mean we are culinary angels. No, we are as normal as the next person, complete with odd days of toast and peanut butter, dark chocolate and hot chips...


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