Tuesday, 30 January 2018

A Mellow Tuesday In Eisenberg.

Honestly, I can't believe it is only January.

At the moment it is a pleasant fifteen-ish degrees ( only driving the car gives me clarity to a degree ), the sun is beaming happy rays, the sky is an absurd blue and despite all that, January isn't over yet. January in a Northern hemisphere village.

Earlier, about mid-morning, I walked down the road to visit one of the older villagers but she was out. Again. Yesterday afternoon while I went on a similar excursion, she wasn't at home either...what is going on? Her social calendar seems fuller than mine. Never mind, I'll try again tomorrow. Third time lucky.

Everyone is taking advantage of these cloned spring conditions with trees being pruned or even chopped ( the grinding of the chainsaw carries across fields, dams and forests ), washing being hung outside at least in our yard and the vineyards teeming with activity. Which is where I am headed in a moment.

A few hours of pruning vines with mum is on the cards and also a chance to bask in the sunshine. It felt strange walking earlier in the morning as I kept on brimming with spring elan while listening to the birds cheerfully tweeting at the same time noticing some buds budding ahead of schedule.

A little bit alarming despite the allure of an early spring as a cold spell could dupe us out of complacency with its powers to freeze those new buds. Let's hold thumbs that farmers are blessed with perfect weather conditions for their vines, crops or livestock.

Bob brought home an old wine barrel yesterday and merely seeing it there against the garage's pillar cheers me up no end as it reminds me of how fortunate we are to live in the midst of one of Austria's most beautiful wine regions...


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