Early bird and such...
Today was the start of Bob's Christmas break and true to fashion the two of us planned a lunch at our favourite restaurant. Any objections due to it being the last Friday before the big do, was quickly put to rest by Bob.
" Agh, I am sure it will be fine and a bit of hectic is okay. "Our Chinese place is right in the middle of one of the busiest shopping centers in Burgenland but the lure of Sushi & co proved too much to resist. We were driving into the center just off eleven and were mildly surprised to see so many parking spaces available. Oh, that boded well and with that in mind we decided to go straight to lunch.
They open at eleven and thankfully we weren't the only ones there so early. The food was still being brought out ( lunch is a big buffet ) but it didn't matter to us as the sheer bliss of munching through our first plate of sushi distracted us of such earthly problems as the chow mein still being tossed expertly in a big wok. Their kitchen has glass walls!
An added bonus to such an early start was that all the food was freshly put out. Throughout our meal we both gave off mmh's & aahs and to an outsider we might have looked like a cool,hip new-age couple meditating. Yes, lingering over food, especially one's favourite one is a soulful experience and helps to recharge anyone's esprit.
The rest of the day was went swimmingly and saw the two of us meandering in and out a few shops. Sadly, or maybe thankfully we didn't find anything that we needed or wanted but sometimes window shopping is more than enough. As for groceries...we made sure to support Oberwart well!
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