Sunday, 2 December 2018

Nothing More Invigoration Like Seeing A Couple Of Foxes.

A walk on the wild side.

Only this morning Bob was telling me what to do in the event that I were to run across a wolf. In fact, he prefaced it by saying that he believes that our forest could quite conceivably house a pack of wolves. As Bob is never wrong in these things, I filed it in my memory.

Not even an hour later I was starting to get into my stride ( today it must have been well below zero ) when I noticed a dog like presence flitting quickly across the field, not more than ten meters in front of me. Yikes, can you blame me that instantly I thought of a wolf until I took note of the very long and bushy tail...! A fox, hastening to pace outside the geese farm and thus not that much bothered by me.

Foxes aren't really dangerous to humans unless they are infected by rabies. Some long odds indeed but then, after all I do play lotto expecting to win. Anyway, as this fox had better fish to catch I carried on as if nothing had happened until ten meters further another fox ran in front of me. Okay, now I was a tad bit worried.

Worried enough to walk a few steps and then stop to look behind me expecting some kind of stealthy approach. Silly, I know but still, foxes do have sharp teeth.

As it happened at the beginning of my walk, I spent the rest of it doing plain old fashioned reconnaissance. Funnily enough, the foxes were nowhere to be seen but nevertheless I got to see a whole new side to my walk. At one stage there was a ominous big dark shape in the middle of a sallow field which turned out to be a couple of crows hunting for worms.

At the end of my walk I popped in at Kainz's to buy some lip-ice and mentioned my adventurous encounter to a fellow shopper. He thanked me for telling him about those foxes and hastened home in order to secure his hens. Yes, foxes are dangerous to fowl and only last year they got a hold of this man's whole clutch of chickens. Let's hope he can ward them off this year.


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