Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Off Twitter And Not Missing It.

More time for real life.

The day I had tried to log in to my Twitter account and learnt that they had blocked me, was upsetting - someone had tried to log on numerous times and because it wasn't from my computer, they decided to block my account. Still in the midst of Twitter-sphere I was as addicted as the next person. Panic and irritation set in followed by outrage at having been blocked. Of course they dangled a we can help you to un-block carrot in front of me, but divulging more personal details was a red line for me.

The first week had me double check a few times a day to see if it had all been a mistake or joke but after a while I settled down to life sans Twitter. How marvelous to suddenly have a portion of my day back. Real time off line, something one has to become used to again.

We are so conditioned to thinking that happiness needs to be premised on social media acceptance, adulation and popularity that we have forgotten to hang out with us and the real people in our life. Friends and family that pick us out for straying from our true self, for telling a lie or exaggerating about our achievements and possessions.

Online's social hub can bring the strongest characters to their knees. Understanding that our online friends',families' or acquaintances' postings about their perfect life is mostly a case of what they would like it to be, takes time. And until we understand the stupidity of keeping up with fake online perfection, we are doomed to feeling that there is something wrong with us due to us not being able to measure up to that ridiculous pretense.

Reading a book, visiting family or going for a walk are much better ways to spend one's time...


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