For the love of cats...
We know the culprit is one of our outside cats but not which one. Both of us have a sneaking suspicion that it might be Tigger due to her age and dare I say laziness but it could also be our new lodger, Roger the Tomcat. Marking territory and so forth with an age old method...leaving a heap of poop.
Yikes, lately it has become rather tricky to walk outside after dark or even during the day if one is daydreaming, because the territorial markers seem to be everywhere. That stuff sticks like glue to a shoe not to mention the olfactory effect of it. After having cleaned several pair of shoes and having developed another octave of shrillness;
" Take off your shoes!!!! "I decided to do the next best thing and google a remedy.
Not actually expecting one I was rather surprised to find a few solutions and even more surprised at how prolific the cat using the yard as a loo was. One of the easiest tricks mentioned was to sprinkle used ground coffee over the yard. Better than mixing lavender spray as it might be a bit too perfumed at the end.
At first Bob was aghast at the thought of having a black lawn but I balked at the thought of cleaning any more shoes ( with scrubbing brush and shoe pick! ) and therefore I have been busy sprinkling for the last few days. Bob hasn't noticed but the cats certainly have. So far I've not encountered any new nefarious heaps on our lawn or at least not on the bits I've sprinkled.
Of course as these coffee grounds blend so perfectly into the lawn, I need to start drawing a map in order not to over sprinkle some parts and not others...oh, and drink much more coffee.
Life with cats is far from boring...
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