Monday, 21 January 2019

Making Bread Again.

Cyclical baking ensues...

This morning I had a plan. A cunning plan that would combine my walk with a trip past the local shop. Bread was at an ebb in our larder and so I set off with my clear goal in mind.

The route was the same but my thoughts were centered around the bread I was going to buy and what delicacy I would top it with at breakfast. Fabulous food for thought. Towards the end of my walk I suddenly remembered it being Monday and how to know if today's bread really was today's! At almost four euros a loaf one does expect ultra freshness which Saturday's lot wouldn't be. Touching the various loaves for freshness would be bad form indeed and not my style. My plan changed and I veered off at the last minute.

Our fridge has become a great storing space for cubes of fresh yeast and as they are in the top door shelf, I almost forgot until faced with my conundrum over the bread. Why couldn't I make our own? Granted, it has been a while since the baking muse struck me, but so what if it goes a bit lumpy, for one day it will be the best bread to have.

Late afternoon I got a batch of dough going and a few minutes ago put the risen result in the oven. Time will tell but from the smell wafting about our house already, it should be good enough for Bob's lunch tomorrow...if it survives this evening! Making bread is so easy that I have to ask myself why I don't bake more often. Wish me luck.


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