Friday, 9 October 2020

Driving Into The Burgeoning Morning.

 A beautiful day on the cards.

The mornings start later even though  time keeps constant. Whereas a few months ago sunrise was literally at the crack of dawn-how else would you describe half past four?- now it is at a more decent hour. Half past six.

Bob had to change cars and we arranged that I would pick him up at seven. What a magical time to be on the road. They were  empty and thus a pleasure to drive on except for a few stray commuters whose twin lights were hovering in the background. The place I needed to fetch Bob from is only about five kilometres from us, five scenically stunning kilometres.

The mist from a night's coldness was slowly hovering above the ground before dissipating into all directions. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the sun colour in a picturesque landscape. Suddenly the various hues come alive and reflect the innate knowledge that nature is awe inspiring. That special moment just before  the day starts for real.

Part of the way took me through a fair bit of forest and if it weren't for the tarred road, I could well imagine how through centuries people have lived and worked in this forest. The trees still stand strong, proud and tall and again the burgeoning morning made the fairytale come alive.

Having such a great start to a day makes all the difference and makes one look forward to the next one. Life, isn't it magical...


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