Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Never Underestimate The Strength Of Us Women!

Men should know better by now!

One woman has managed to do what most opposition party members have only dreamed of achieving! This one woman tactically yet unintentionally broadsided the Defence Secretary with a few well targeted verbal shots.See interview on Sky TV Oh, she hit the Bull's eye in every way. She more or less had him speechless and following her demands as it were.

Within the hour, it appears that this one woman managed to mobilize all the help her town needed. All the help that should have been there days before. Wow, this Lady is fabulous and I would imagine rather infamous in Downing Street...I am sure that her husband will pick up his dirty socks from now on!!!

" A woman is like a tea bag-you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." Eleanor Roosevelt

The weather is playing havoc all over the world. At the moment most of us have been following the unfolding of the floods in England. Scary, heartbreaking, surreal and just plain nasty. The only bright spot on this terrible event was and is the strength this one woman showed and the powerful results that followed.

To be fair, I take my hat off to the peoples skill that the Defence Secretary showed. Gosh, we all know how hard it is to reply to a verbal attack. An attack with merit on top of it.

Now and again ( even more scary ) the question of what caused this catastrophe was banded about on the various news casts when they interviewed Government members.
Why does the term

Global Warming / Climate Change cause some politicians to change the subject / claim it is not true / say it is not really man-made or childishly ask why should they do something to counter it if other countries aren't?
Do they have a secret escape hatch that us mere mortals don't have? Quite frankly, they also have to live with the ever worsening climate changes.

In so many countries that play a dominant part in world trade their Government Elections tend to pendle between the Conservative or Labour / Republican or Democrat. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next round of elections, the Green Parties will be the winners.

It used to be that we had to worry about pensions, medical aids and social security. In the near future the main problem we face is having a safe place to live and build our life. A life without fear of catastrophic disruptions.


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