Monday, 13 July 2015

A Mellow Monday Morning And A Few Gentle Scenes Of Nature.

At the water's edge...

An air of mystique for sure. A perfect perch to contemplate a dreamy future.
A ripple effect of calmness. Life lived in the slow lane is the prize that most people are rushing through life to obtain.
These marvels of nature are abundant in our area, yet most drive or walk straight past them without giving them even a glance of appreciation.
A happy bunch of wildflowers were vying for my attention. How could I not stop to take these photos? We have a little dam over the road from our house and every now and again it beckons me with some glorious moments of natural beauty.
The wild daisies of Eisenberg...
I have a feeling, that when one sits on these perches of tranquility, life has a habit of falling into place and problems seems to shrink in importance...


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