Thursday, 31 August 2017

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.

A change of route was afoot.

All I can say is that I was very lucky not to have encountered a boar today. No no, not a bore! My walk started off as normal and being a creature of habit I tend to follow my own footsteps year in and year out but today, as I came to the water tower, I for once deviated from my norm and took the road into the mostly unknown.

There is a convergence of lanes, one goes into the heart of the forest, one away from it and one beside it. That's the one that lured me because a friend had mentioned how nice it was. Well, I had to enter the forest proper in order to follow the path but promised myself to turn around should I happen to come across a choice of paths...our forest can go on for miles.

On my left I noticed one of those feeding stations for deer and the odd boar. What to do if I ran into one? Climb the nearest tree or grab a big branch to duel it out? A forest is full of crinkling sounds mostly made by field mice or birds but one never knows. Luckily I became more concerned about taking the right path and so forgot about the dangerous swines. It didn't take long before I could exit the forest onto a most delightful country lane adjacent to vineyards.

Seeing my area from a different angle was a breath of fresh air as in tandem my thoughts also changed tack. There was an unbelievable stillness about, only interrupted by birds shooting the breeze. A stillness that strips away all the distraction that keep us from finding that illusive inner peace.

A couple of young holiday makers walked past me. From the brief exchange of good mornings I couldn't tell where they were from but regardless, they have chosen a good spot to be on holiday. Thankfully we don't have theme parks, shopping malls, cinemas or big city you can go for long walks among nature, read at your leisure all day long, have a meal at a local wine estate or just enjoy spending quality time with your family.

A welcome sight after walking in the dim light of the forest.


Wednesday, 30 August 2017

The Power Of Flowers To Cheer Us Up.

Simple but effective.

A drainpipe is the perfect support for any climber. The twirls and pirouettes are delightfully elegant and attractive.
This is why I love taking my camera for a walk...I never know what I might stumble upon. These lovely red roses overlooking the Deutsch Schützen vineyards are a perfect reflection of the wines created.
A mere chimney but so much more with the blue sky behind it...
These yellow supporting stars are really in the middle of nowhere and I was glad to notice them.
The natural instinct of flowers and plants to make cheerful impressions.
These roses deserve to be seen twice...


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Phew, What A Morning.

To thumb or not to thumb...

At ten this morning I had to be in St. Kathrein to fetch medication etc for one of the villagers. I'd arranged this time a few days ago, even going so far as to cement it in my diary as I am very wise to my chickens... Ten is a nice time as I can avoid the blood rush ( blood taking Tuesday ) and it gives me enough time to make Bob's lunch, drop him off at work, do a load of laundry & hang it outside, wash the dishes, go for a walk, write my blog and have breakfast. Oh yes, a violin moment!

All would have been done if at half past eight my phone hadn't rang:

" Did you forget about me? "
like clockwork, he forgets the arranged time and assumes I'm late and gives me the odd raised tone. Even though he had got the wrong end of the stick, I placated him and promised to be there within an hour.

Famous last words...I did the dishes and before I got to the pots, I noticed blood on the edge of the sink. Eeww, what where and why? In my haste I had done the rookie mistake of putting a big sharp knife into the water...yes, I seemed to have sliced my finger a bit although I didn't feel a thing. Gosh, it wouldn't stop bleeding and I had to spend ten minutes with my right thumb in the air. Of course, taking a shower and washing my hair with one hand isn't much fun but it got done.

Only when a thumb is out of action do we realize how vital it is. Before you send me an ambulance, rest assured my thumb is better but I do think I will have to let Bob know:

" Schatzi, I sliced my thumb this morning and I can't do the dishes or housework for at least a year. "
The Bobster of course, being wise and sharp will want to have a show and tell which might see me do the dishes again tomorrow morning!


Monday, 28 August 2017

The Precarious Lifestyle Of Our Cat.

Well and truly an intergral part of our family.

I didn't really mind being woken up because despite it being in the middle of the night, it was dreadfully hot and humid. My side of the bed faces a corner and it wouldn't surprise me if the hot air made itself at home on my side...

" Oh, so sorry my baby, did I squash you? "
No no, it wasn't I but our little cutie pie who was cosseted. For the last week or so she has decided to sleep on Bob's side of the bed, cuddled neatly next to his stomach and adroitly being one wink ahead of his sleep. Well, perhaps not last night as Bob almost rolled over her but proceeded to cuddle her in his arms until both were back to dreamland.

It is amazing how both of us have given over a part of our heart to this little feline bundle. She is adept at knowing where we are and when family comes to stay she automatically finds us in the correct ( spare ) bedroom. She's adjusted her hunting schedule to make sure she pipes down when we want to sleep. Nothing more annoying than when she runs at high speed through our house, marking the wooden floor audibly with her claws while we are counting sheep.

As a very light sleeper and perhaps more so than Mausi I usually tend to go through to the lounge and settle down in front of the tv which helps me me fall back to sleep. I can't help but wonder whether her highness doesn't accidentally nudge me awake in order for her to follow me to the couch.

She's aware of every aspect of my routine and once I've settled my head perfectly on the pillow she starts to pummel and claw her slumber place on my stomach and within seconds I can hear her snore blissfully away. Really. The two of us are so in-sync that when I want to turn onto my side, I hold her tightly and swivel her onto my side. Although I imagine it to be like a trip on a roller coaster for order for me to turn on the very narrow couch I have to hold her high and turn her midair before snuggling her into my side...


Sunday, 27 August 2017

The Paler Shades Of Yellows Announce The End Of Summer.

Well, not quite but at least the end of the summer holidays.

Often as far as the eyes can see there is a gentle shade of yellow over the fields. Yes, the soya crops are almost ready.
I am always amazed at how fields evolve from being plowed and seeded to being harvested. At times Bob and I will only learn what crop it is when the shoots turn to plants.
Not far along a few bee hives are at the edge of a little strip of forest. Today it was a buzzing and lovely to see the bee-port in full swing.
Those old farmhouses are my favourite. They have such charm and were built with thought and care. Best views along with best protection from the elements was had.
Nothing yellow there...on my way home this morning I saw the old fire engine being taken for a test drive. Today it was Bob's turn behind the wheel of the red truck.
Last but not least, another baby has been born in Eisenberg. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents of those two boys. These two little cousins were born within one month of each other. Wonderful.


Saturday, 26 August 2017

Bob Buys A Big Chain In Rechnitz.

A chainsaw chain that is...

Needs and wants do change when one embraces a rural life. Jewellery is useless apart from a nice gold band around the ring finger and even that is more of a brand than anything else...

Hands off, this one's taken

Doing the lawnmower pirouettes about the garden would be dangerous if adorned with mink & pearls. Anyway, Bob's chainsaw got a new chain today. A real big one. A toothy one on the cutting edge. This chainsaw is Bob's nemesis in the tool shed as it loves to be on the blink, refusing to saw through a branch yet alone a tree trunk. A fallen tree is what brought this shopping trip to Rechnitz all about. The storm had felled one of our plum trees and it needs to be cut to pieces...

The Deutsch Schützen Lagerhaus didn't have what Bob needed so we did a short trip to Rechnitz and got everything we wanted. Gosh, the staff at that Lagerhaus were brilliant and even put the new chain on our machine, free of charge. I tell you, Bob was thrilled not to have to fight that battle and so was I, as in the heat of battle choice words would have been uttered.

Rechnitz is a treat ( and now they even have a branch of the divine Heiling Ice Cream Cafe ) with two supermarkets, a Lagerhaus, a bakery, restaurants, wine estates, a bank, a beautician and a petrol station.

Along the way the scenery is often breathtaking and the couple of villages in between have an old fashioned charm all of their own. Driving there this morning made both of us aware of how blessed we are for having put roots into such a nice part of the world.

The photos were taken from a moving car. Aren't the undulating hills nice?
A blank canvas to paint one's dreams on...


Friday, 25 August 2017

A Lunchtime Encounter Of The Nice Kind.

Thank goodness for English.

Mum and I were cleaning a Kellerstock on the edge of the Eisenberg vineyards at lunchtime yesterday. As one does, I stepped outside to fetch the Hoover and of course had not bothered to put my sunglasses ( of the optical kind ) back on. Only the distance seemed a bit hazy but so be it, I've seen it plenty of times.

Hauling the monstrum up the stairs I heard a voice boom through the vineyards:

" Hey Sexy....! "
Normally I wouldn't equate it to me, but it was an English voice, a booming voice, a voice I recognized instantly...The Bobster was having his lunch break a bit further along and had seen me.

Not having my glasses handy, I only saw a shape wave at me from the balcony up the road and took it to be my beloved. After a few more waves I went back to work inside although, each time I stepped outside for anything I did a wave even though I wasn't sure if Bob was still sitting there and for all I know, I've been making a fool of myself to somebody else....

Gosh it was divine being whistled at by my husband but now, as I think about it, I can't help but wonder whether he thought the whole package of me and the Hoover was attractive? A hint to hoover a bit more at home perhaps?


Thursday, 24 August 2017

A Picturesque Thursday.

The joys of summer.

Purple weeds growing in the ditch...aren't they stunning? Eye-catching indeed and a nice cheerful sight whilst walking.
You might wonder what this has to do with summer, but it was the minced result of a big bowl of paprika and chilli. Mum and I were making the delicious ' hotties ' chilli paste. Divine during winter especially when put in soups, stews, salads, scrambled eggs and the odd slice of bread. We used an old-fashioned mincer which is jolly good to condition the old arms. It might not look it, but it came to just under 4 kg.
Another summer activity is organizing the wood for winter. It might not seem as if one would ever need to heat again during a hot summer but before we know it the cold is here. It took us about two hours to rack & stack this pile of wood in the shed.
Wherever one goes an apple tree is near. The red abundance bending the branches...
The local Gartenverein finds ways to make our village signs look nice. Thank you for making our village colourful.
The oft yearned for white picket fence promises a beautiful garden inside it.


Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Riding High.

An idyllic childhood in the village.

In life it is the little moments or glimpses that make me realize how special and actually simple it is. No need to make it so complicated and convoluted.

On a lot of Tuesdays I accompany some villagers to the doctor's ( blood taking day ) and the village shop. Often I spend some time waiting but I don't mind as it gives me the time to catch those special snippets about the essence of life.

Standing outside the grocery shop yesterday, trying to catch some shade while waiting I met some locals, had a few chats and one or two querying looks. No, I wasn't loitering, merely waiting. For some of the elderly folks without a car, spending time at the local shop is akin to us meandering down a shopping mall. They love it and I don't mind giving them this pleasure.

I had parked right outside the shop on the corner of the driveway. Suddenly I heard the sound of a big tractor firing up and approaching out of this driveway. A huge tractor with an even bigger steely orchestra of sharp cutting blades encased in a sort of drum bouncing along behind it. Not the kind of tractor you'd want to meet on a narrow lane. The front wheels were almost the same size as me.

A young farmer with one of his sons ( about 5 years old ) sitting beside him in the glass encased cabin driving to the office or should I say field. The way farmers can nimbly steer and drive these huge tractors around tight spaces is amazing to see. Most impressive.

This boy was beaming from ear to ear and observing everything from up high on his perch. His father was manoevering his tractor expertly within the proverbial inch and has all my admiration for that. Somehow equating it with my measure of space to spare while exiting a parking space, I was halfway to my car in order to move it but of course there was no need.

Seeing the joy on this little boy's face reminded me of how simple a happy life can be. A childhood spent in the country doing fun things, driving on a tractor, playing outside, helping tend cattle and more importantly forming those foundations we need to weather most of life's more difficult experiences.


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The New Realm Of Bob.

A box set of adventure.

Only last year Bob had fallen for the Game of Thrones series and was incommunicado whilst watching them. Even tempting him with ice cream, chips or chocolate didn't budge him from watching this series.

Last week, we both ordered a round of books as a treat and like true modern couple we each had the same amount to spend. Bob decided on a box set of the Game of Thrones novels and I for a mix of crime and romance. Although, Bob keeps telling me snippets of his books and they seem to have everything in it...murder, romance, adventure and fun .

Bob's books arrived on Friday and as any bibliophile will understand, he was in heaven when he saw five books of almost 900 pages each. Adventures that never end...Luckily he was on a weeks leave and started the first book in the afternoon and apart from supper he read most of the day and even night.

Today being Tuesday, I don't have to tell you that Bob's been very quiet all weekend as he had entered the fictional kingdom of his novels. Yesterday afternoon I had a great idea of how to get his attention.

" My lord, would you like a cup of tea? "
Honestly, I'm not one to offer making teas all day long and thus I don't know if he responded because I addressed him in this fashion or because I offered to make tea.

You know, there's nothing nicer than being with someone who also loves reading and understands why we disappear inside the covers of a good book for hours on end.


Monday, 21 August 2017

The Midlife Blues.

Blue is the new red...

Women have a make over, a lift of sorts or a holiday with their best friend while men take that stage a bit differently. At least it seems so. On average there are more silver foxes behind the wheel of a coupe than there are long maned ladies.

Yes, the famous or rather infamous midlife crisis and the associated set of red wheels that is almost synonymous with it. Night and day / sweet and sour / thick and thin / midlife crises and the red coupe. Deep down I am curious how my Bobster will traverse that stage of his life and if he should choose that aforementioned car he will have me in the passenger seat telling him to slow down!

These last few months I have noticed that two recently afflicted mid-lifers' have splashed out on a coupe. A blue coupe and as both blues are the same hue it made me wonder about blue being the new trend for the over 50's? Turn 50, buy a blue car...

Or more a case of copying the neighbour which might soon turn our village roads into a blue lagoon as there are a whole lot of friends who are or just have turned fifty. Interesting times ahead and a nice change from black. For some reason most cars are black Audi's or Peugeot's and always remind me of Henry Ford.

From an aesthetic point of view, the blue is more fetching, much more suited to a silver head of hair and as it is still rare, also rather eye-catching. Of course taking a blue coupe for a drive makes it far from private. Just the other day I saw one of the blue coupes outside the local village pub and wondered whose it was.


Sunday, 20 August 2017

Flower Power In Eisenberg.

Capturing the flowery side.

Despite it being a slightly overcast day these sunflowers bring a round of cheer.
A mingling of flowers. A little bit of a field converted to a Kitchen garden by one of the local ladies. A lot of work yet a year's worth of free homegrown vegetables.
At the top end of Eisenberg is an old wine press converted to be a show piece. The red and white flowers are very patriotic.
Yes, some of the sunflowers are decidedly past their prime, but I find it a very good analogy of life...none of us are always going to shine in our prime, yet why shouldn't we be looked at? By the way, the building behind is our Feuerwehr Haus.
Walking by an open driveway I couldn't resist taking this photo despite hearing the owner drive up behind our village one gets to recognize each motor's pitch and each driver's style.
Lastly, a few of the local geese circling the food wagon...


Saturday, 19 August 2017

An Early Start To Our Saturday.

... and we weren't alone.

The best plans usually get formed when it's still dark outside and ours wasn't any different. A light bulb and mosquito netting was needed and Grosspetersdorf was the place to go.

That's the thing with a two item shopping trip, it feels too bare, almost wasteful not to shop for more and thus we decided to go to one of the local supermarkets. Again to get one or two items but those sneaky supermarket folks put temptations in every aisle, a case of see evil, smell evil and buy evil...Evil equals cakes, ice creams and chips.

Well, I forgot how busy a Saturday morning can be. There were so many folk shopping with the added interlude of having conversations with friends, neigbhours, family or acquaintances as is normal in a small town.

The dynamics of grocery shopping are fun to watch. There was an elderly couple ( no, not us but we are quite the same ) debating over each item put into the basket which the man was carrying. A harassed mother doing the supermarket sprint, barely avoiding nudging the amblers, and with a sure grip finding each item, nothing superfluous, everything needed.

At times Bob and I would get the side glance...firstly at our language spoken ( German and English ) and secondly at our debates over which evil to put into the basket. Somehow Bob and I have a habit of reverting to childish behaviour and neither one of us will budge an inch:

" If you buy those Doppelkeks than I am buying a bag of chips. "

Shopping for groceries together can be a daring experiment, a fun excursion and definitely an adventure...


Friday, 18 August 2017

The Grapes Are Almost Done.

The plumpness and beauty of the vineyards.

Wherever one looks, bunches of grapes abound and this year might be a bumper crop. Of course a lot of the grapes are discarded to further the quality of the wine.
The vines are starting to turn colour and dot the rows with stunning interludes of artistic display.
Three baby pheasants playing in the road, just like any siblings do. Precious.
A mingling of greens.
Isn't it magic how a bunch of grapes can create such a divine nectar?
The white grapes look fresh, crisp and sweet hanging on the vines...


Thursday, 17 August 2017

Choosing The Right Bus Is Far From Easy.

A holiday to remember.

The summer of 2010 saw just about everybody piling through the gates of Durban Intl to catch a month worth of World Cup games and we headed the other way, to Burgenland. Gosh, the planes were almost empty and queues non-existent.

A week or so into our holiday, Bob and I ventured out on our own for the afternoon. A bus trip to Güssing for a chance to spend our tourist rands. Those were the good old days with an exchange rate of forward to today and it is almost 16 rand -1 euro.

At that stage there was an initiative of the Red Eco Bus driving up and down between Oberwart and Jennersdorf daily and for only 3 euros a ride.

Mothers being mothers, a lot of advice and info was given.

" Biggi, whatever you do, make sure you only get onto the red bus. Don't forget to get the red bus outside the Raiffeisenbank in Güssing and only there. No other bus, else you won't get home. "
Having understood the parental decree we set off to have a good time. We knew the buses ran every hour so we indulged in a delightful lunch of ice cream and cake to give us enough energy to scour the shops in order to leave our rands. Eventually we meandered up to the bus stop laden with parcels and bags. It was a quarter to the hour and thus we settled on the bench to while the 15 min away.

Buses of every shape, size and colour stopped to pick up passengers but alas, none of the red variety. The top of the hour had gone and Bob muttered;

" You should have asked that bus driver earlier! "

It was a hot day, tempers were a little bit frayed and I don't have to spell out the converstation during another hour of waiting, to you! The next top of the hour came and went with us still sitting on the bench. People were starting to notice. Bob was getting tetchy and hungry as we dared not leave our bench in case the eco bus came.

Oh, don't worry, I tried to talk to the various bus drivers but they are so quick to drive off or to lock up and go for lunch. Eventually I managed to speak to the bus driver of a green bus, one that had been leaving every hour as well.

" Excuse me, could you tell me when the red Eco bus to Deutsch Schützen is coming? "
" That's me. The eco bus is in the workshop and this green bus has taken its place for today. "

Those are the moments that one remembers forever. A nice dinner story, a nice adventure and a nice way to test the strength of one's marriage....


Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Every Car Has A Name.

An unexpected surprise.

There was an old-timer's tractor meet in Rechnitz over the weekend and these guys had a pit stop in Eisenberg.
You can see the pride taken over this old tractor. A tractor that's fed a lot of people, a tractor that's been around for decades and a tractor that looks a bit Ferrarish...
For a long time our car's name was 'Subi ' and now it's ' Peugi ' but maybe it should have been Bob & Biggi all along.
What a great adventure it must be to ride around the country on one of these, complete with friends, comfortable seats and a cooler box?
This would be a favourite for me to ride along on. Experiences shared firsthand, automatic air-conditioning and an elevated view of our beautiful area...


Tuesday, 15 August 2017

The Stillness Of A Public Holiday.

Nary a soul's astir.

Sundays and public holidays are my favourite days to go for a long walk. Cars are almost nonexistent on the roads ( well it's not as if we have traffic jams but instead of five cars passing the whole walk, none do ) and thus the human stillness is complete.

For some reason I tend to come across half a zoo on most walks and today I picked up a battlion of horseflies when I took the time to pat Sepp's horses. Irritating beyond belief and thankfully nobody saw me striding along constantly waving my arms over my head, behind my back and around me.

Luckily they didn't like the upper Eisenberg and buzzed off to find another victim. A variety of birds were settled on either the electricity lines, trees or the more delicate tops of maize along my route and were tweeting at the rate of Donald but in a more cheerful way.

A lot of the holiday cottages are let and I love to decipher the various number plates along the way. The ' W's ' are easy and rather infamous here due to their different driving style. On the upper Eisenberg I veered off to the left along a forest stretch and could have sworn that I saw a fox sitting patiently five meters in. Suddenly my pace increased although it could easily have been a ginger tabby looking for a field mouse.

A bit further on a hare crossed my path. At least I thought so as my eyes took a while to adjust and decipher, which I think the hare's did waited until I was closer before hopping away to safety.

Further on a most inopportune house, beyond having a bad position had the sold sticker in the window and it boggles the mind how it could have found favour. Yet, houses in our area are selling like hot cakes.

In a case of deja-vu, a young deer was grazing on the verge of the road and jumped off into the shrubs after identifying me as a sort of big foot. The rest of the walk was devoid of anything exciting and that is what makes it so addictive. One of the only times where thoughts can run wild, do cartwheels, imagine the impossible while skimming along the various corridors and cul-de-sacs of the mind .


I know, you can hardly see it, but that's as close as I got.
The hare and I...


Monday, 14 August 2017

Shoe Nostalgia, Or Shoe Madness?

A yearning for times gone by?

Honestly, I must be dilly the way I refuse to throw away old shoes. Really, old shoes full of dents, wear and tear not to mention the aroma aquired throughout the summers.

In case you might be thinking that I have one of those organized shoe closets let me put your mind at ease. The full extent of my shoe storage are a couple of dusty old shelves in the delightfully termed ' Sommerküche. ' A little cottage on our property that has morphed into storage central and faces de-cluttering only during leap year.

Quite ingenious to put all the unwanted possessions out to pasture together awaiting that infamous rainy day. Out of sight, out of mind. Well, I ventured in there earlier today, equipped with brown bags ( akin to a rubbish bin ) and good intentions.

Isn't it funny how esoteric we all become once we pick up an old shoe, book or game. Images of good times had flit through the mind bound ruthlessly with a ribbon of time. Time had, time gone but hopefully not time wasted.

Old shoes, shoes that are or rather were practical should be given the boot once the sole has left, but stubbornly I find reasons to keep them. A game of what if? makes it darn near impossible to discard these shoes. Well, today I've given a pair of old running shoes an upgrade in living space...they've found a place inside our house, mingling with a friendly bunch of our current shoes. One step at a time!


Sunday, 13 August 2017

Another Gentle Sunday In Burgenland.

A perfectly overcast day ideal for a walk.

These golden blades of grass are amazing. They sway to and fro with the wind reminding me of a gentle soft carpet, or a velvet throw.
Overcast yet despite it, the outline of a mountain range in the back is nicely visible.
A stunning reminder of times gone by. A nudge to not forget to live at a slower life pace.
I rounded the corner and saw this clearing complete with the wall of straw. Surprisingly soothing for my soul.
As I turned towards the forest path, I saw these berries. They look so temptingly yummy that I wouldn't be surprised if they were poisonous.
The last kilometer or so of my walk. The gentle road slice of paradise.


Saturday, 12 August 2017

My Daily Dose Of Acupuncture.

Just call me a living pin-cushion.

I never know when I am going to be the lucky recipient of our cat's affection. Sometimes all day long and other times a mere smidgeon just before meal times. More a point of a reminding me in case I'd forget to feed if that's ever happened!

The omnipotent Google gives seminars and lectures on how to cut a cat's nails but we've never quite got around to doing that. Every time my acupuncture session starts, I think of a way to persuade Bob to give Mausi a manicure. As cute as she is, she might turn into a wildcat and really give us an overdose of acupuncture.

For some reason she loves to knead methodically before cuddling down on my arms, legs or stomach. Not a few seconds either and if I try and get her to settle down she carries on that much longer. By now she should realize that what she feels is what she gets.

Look, once she settles in to be cuddled, all the pin pricks tend to fade from memory and as soon as she purrs like a lion, they are totally forgotten.

Of course I'm not the only pin-cushion in our household. Funnily enough it isn't Bob. He was clever enough to shoo her off a few times and she is more reluctant to apply acupuncture tactics on him. A lot of our bed linen has not been spared tough and rather mysteriously has developed a holey pattern.

Only yesterday I had to tell Bob about her Naughtiness and the plight of our linen and the need to replace them with new ones. Luckily all of ours are hand-me-downs and ancient.

" Which ones did she ruin? "
" The orange ones. "
" Oh thank god, I hate those...!"


Friday, 11 August 2017

Putting It All On The Line.

A tempestuous evening indeed.

Despite some promises about the extreme heat being done and dusted, yesterday decided to buck the prediction and scratch on the 40 degree door. Yikes it was stifling and not to mention muggy. Just after three the first sms from Zurich came through ( never mind that we saw the writing in the sky ) and some rain fell, just enough to ensure my pristine dry washing on the line had to stay out a bit longer.

The heat returned, supper was made and some Blaufränkisch had which shouldn't really but somehow lends an excuse for my memory loss in regards to the washing on the line.

Nine o'clock saw us go to bed with the odd thunder and lightening in the sky. Of course it intensified and it didn't take long before an sms came through. Bob got up to have a look in case it was a call out for the Feuerwehr.

" Schatzi, you won't believe it! They are predicting 110 km/h winds along with the rain. "
Oh dear. We could hear the howling start, doors slamming and rain drumming on the various roofs. Being inside it felt rather cozy until I remembered.
" Bob, I forgot to take the washing off the line. "
Oh, one would think I committed a major crime. ( Luckily, with esoteric premonition I had omitted to hang my undies on the line which gave me a good night's sleep ) He was imagining our bits of laundry flying about the village and was less than happy when I told him about the lone position his undies had on the line.
" Bob, weren't those your blue underpants that just flew past the window? "
In between laughing like kids and picturing those blue undies in one of our neighbours' yard, Bob was muttering about my forgetfulness and the bleak future it painted for him.

This morning on the way to drop Bob off at work, we drove slowly and carefully down the road scanning to the left and right of us...just in case one of Bob's belongings was dangling precariously on a windowsill, garden chair or car window.


Thursday, 10 August 2017

A Chuckle Was Had.

The joy of living in a small village.

Yesterday afternoon I was busy tidying up a veranda when a neighbour came over to talk to me. Bob was at the car doing his own thing. It was a hot afternoon still and it was a welcome interruption to shoot the breeze with our neighbour. He's about my age but one hopes a bit older as being the oldest is never much fun.

Halfway in our news gathering conversation ( village life has its rewards ) I happened to espy out of the corner of my eye another neighbour of sorts approaching. He is of an age where he assumes that giving critiques and tongue lashings are his god given right and being retired affords him oodles of spare time to find enough cause to apply and practice the above.

Last year Bob got a taste of it and Bob having been brought up with manners, merely stood in respect of an elder and quietly nodded away as he told me afterwards.

Anyway, when I saw this man making a beeline towards us, I inadvertently blurted out to my other neighbour:

" Look, sorry but I'm going back to do the gardening as I don't want to be admonished for something or the other. "
Oops, I thought, I shouldn't have said that out loud...
" Don't worry, I'm also out of here. Don't want to be taken to task. "
If we could have, we would have scattered like bugs when the light turns on, but he was too close already. Of course we were friendly and had a shortish conversation but with aplomb both of us steered it away from any potential pitfalls.

Hopefully when I get to that age I won't be befallen with the same tendencies although, I think I just might be...already I have been known to say:

" When we were young, we would have never done this or that! "


Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Sometimes A Change Of Scenery Is All It Takes.

Keeping the rumblings of world events at bay.

The tree that's seen it all and survived many a war...As gigantic as it is, it exudes a sense of calmness and permanence.
The little chapel under it stands testament to the sheer size of this beautiful tree.
Seeing my Eisenberg from a different perspective having taken the low road...
The Adaxl road through the vineyards. Straight as an arrow which leads some to be a bit heavy footed with the gas pedal.
A leafy suburb of Deutsch Schützen.
The low road taken...therapeutic and refreshing to walk along it. A bit of nature that could have looked the same a few centuries ago. Not many left...
