Monday, 28 August 2017

The Precarious Lifestyle Of Our Cat.

Well and truly an intergral part of our family.

I didn't really mind being woken up because despite it being in the middle of the night, it was dreadfully hot and humid. My side of the bed faces a corner and it wouldn't surprise me if the hot air made itself at home on my side...

" Oh, so sorry my baby, did I squash you? "
No no, it wasn't I but our little cutie pie who was cosseted. For the last week or so she has decided to sleep on Bob's side of the bed, cuddled neatly next to his stomach and adroitly being one wink ahead of his sleep. Well, perhaps not last night as Bob almost rolled over her but proceeded to cuddle her in his arms until both were back to dreamland.

It is amazing how both of us have given over a part of our heart to this little feline bundle. She is adept at knowing where we are and when family comes to stay she automatically finds us in the correct ( spare ) bedroom. She's adjusted her hunting schedule to make sure she pipes down when we want to sleep. Nothing more annoying than when she runs at high speed through our house, marking the wooden floor audibly with her claws while we are counting sheep.

As a very light sleeper and perhaps more so than Mausi I usually tend to go through to the lounge and settle down in front of the tv which helps me me fall back to sleep. I can't help but wonder whether her highness doesn't accidentally nudge me awake in order for her to follow me to the couch.

She's aware of every aspect of my routine and once I've settled my head perfectly on the pillow she starts to pummel and claw her slumber place on my stomach and within seconds I can hear her snore blissfully away. Really. The two of us are so in-sync that when I want to turn onto my side, I hold her tightly and swivel her onto my side. Although I imagine it to be like a trip on a roller coaster for order for me to turn on the very narrow couch I have to hold her high and turn her midair before snuggling her into my side...


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