Monday, 7 August 2017

Cranes And Sheep.

Never a dull day.

Merely walking past this crane made me feel small and insignificant. Gosh, how heavy must this crane be and how strong the road to support it on stilts?
Real excitement and if it hadn't been a day of extreme heat, many would have pulled out their outdoor chairs and watched the proceedings in between giving opinions and advice. The top floor was taken off and a new floor is being put on...
There you can see the ready made piece of a wall being swung like a pendulum to find its place.
My favourite flock of sheep were grazing next to my route and when they laid eyes on me they gallop to the fence in unison while happily braying away.
Nice and therapeutic to watch...
To end off with, a photo of the St. Martin's chapel before the storm came. The maize is about to be harvested but in the meantime it provides a nice frame...


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