Wednesday 1 November 2017

All Saints Already.

November is here.

Jack Frost made his first appearance this morning and naturally it was cold enough to wear gloves, if one had remembered to take them along. This is our first week of time change and at the moment both Bob and I don't know what to do with all that spare time. At seven we thought it was eight which at least made sure the dishes were done.

It was my day for walking with the group and it couldn't have been a nicer morning despite the frosty start. We chose a route paved with sunshine which created a stunning walk in the vineyards. The leaves are changing or at least those still hanging on and the rest are nestling on the forest floor.

For a change we took our route in reverse and as is often the case, new discoveries were made on old stomping grounds. Part of our route took us through the forest and despite a tree being a tree, it did look different crossing it from the other side. A huge anthill, a few forgotten mushrooms and the odd footprint of a boar.

Only a few weeks ago the vines were lusciously clad in leaves and grapes but now, the vines are bare, getting ready for their winter hibernation. When I lived in the city I never actually saw the full impact of changing seasons but now I get to witness the life cycle of grapes, wheat, maize, apples and of course the creme de la

A nice clearing atop the Deutsch Schützen forest.
The vines do look strange without all those leaves and grapes...


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