Friday, 17 November 2017

The Great Gatsby Again?

Money, what's that?

Reading any novel which depicts times before a big historically correct disaster makes me sometimes want to shout out loud:

" Can't you see the writing on the wall? "
and it scares me a little bit to think that in the future some student will think:
" How could they've not seen it coming? "

A painting, even if it is a masterpiece shouldn't be worth almost half a billion dollars. At a time where so many are suffering from hunger, homelessness and poverty, it's unbelievable that one individual has enough spare cash to buy a painting with a price tag of 450 million dollars. The world is out of kilter because many other individuals could easily have paid that price tag but perhaps wisely chose to stay out of the limelight.

For those who have it, a lifestyle to make The Great Gatsby blanch in envy is second nature. Some are clever enough to keep under the radar but others are foolish enough to show off to the masses via social media and I can't help but wonder if it has any similarity to Marie Antoinette being driven in her golden coach waving a diamond laden hand disdainfully at the starving masses outside the palace gates?

The world is out of kilter and the reckless 1%'s think that they are untouchable but there's always that notorious last straw. Across the pond the 1%'s have just been give a pay rise via a tax cut which the masses might actually have to work and pay for...

One can't help but wonder whether the French Revolution would have happened if Marie Antoinette had traded in some of her jewels and treasures to buy bread for the masses.


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