Sunday, 17 February 2019

A Village On The Move.

Who said that never the twain shall meet?

It was advertised ahead of time and just for good measure and to cut out any excuses, every villager received a gilded invitation in their postbox. A village walk through thick and thin...or rather through forest and uphill with generous breaks in between.

It wasn't a walk in the park as those from Eisenberg had approximately 10 km ahead of them and those unfortunates from Deutsch Schützen a dastardly 14 km. Meeting in the middle...not so much.

Bob and I had the easy 10 km leg of the walk and mum the 14 km, but neither posed any problem to us nor any of the other walkers. And plenty there were. At least fifty, which is a record for sure. The troupe was made up of nordic walkers, fast walkers, walkers, amblers and those counting the steps to the various watering holes. One would be mistaken for naming them after the infamous 19th hole of golf courses...let's just say that nobody was thirsty for long.

The weather was glorious and most of us couldn't believe that it was only the middle of February. As soon as the early morning chill had evaporated we mostly took off our jackets, scarves and caps. I remember the same walk last year was quite different with minus temperatures and heavy snow. Yet, walk we did!

The pit stops in between numbered two and gave everyone an opportunity to chill, relax and recharge as the uphill leg of the walk was sneakily left for the after lunch slot. Knowing that the only loo would be with an open view made me content with mere sips of water. Easy for the boys to take cover behind a tree ( although, many forgot their audience and merely used the first unoccupied tree. Eyes straight ahead was the name of the game for us gals ) to recycle their beer.

The walk was a success for the village and hopefully the word will spread so that next year even more will join in...


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