Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Making A Difference.

Learning to ignore life's hecklers.

Politicians won't do it and thus neither will governments. They will try and table the issue until it is too late so they can then say, that they told us it wouldn't make a difference. What am I taking about? Well, climate change and the hope that in 10, 20 or 50 years time, earth is going to be more or less the same as is now. Oh, and of course that it is still there.

There are many ways to make a dent in it and contrary to what life's hecklers try and shout, each of us makes a difference. As you know, for almost a year now Bob and I have stopped consuming animal products and together we surely have saved some trees from being felled to make space for growing animal feed and most importantly, saved animals from a terrible life destined only for their death.

There is a Vegan calculator and according to it, each of us has saved in the last 11 months;
  • 1,374, 087 liters of water
  • 5973 kg of grain
  • 924 sq meters of forest
  • 3003 kg of co2
  • and 330 animal lives.
Even if only a quarter of it is true, I am a happy gal.

For some reason this method of ' doing one's bit for the planet ' meets up with staunch opposition, hatred and negativity. There are a few people I can tell my news, newly tried recipes and opinions regarding veganism but on the whole, I keep ( or try to ) keep stumm.

This week the report that insects are dying out has had many put up their hands in horror at this but at the same time, the bit about industrial scale intensive ( for animal ) agriculture being the main culprit of deforestation which causes the insects to become extinct, is convenantly falling on deaf ears. Being horrified of the future seems fine, but making an individual stand by changing eating behaviours is out of the question.

Only this morning I was audibly told;

" Why should I do something when governments don't. Not my problem anyway. "
As you can imagine I was left speechless and steaming. But on further thought it has dawned on me that I mustn't hold the world to the hecklers' standards ...there are millions of people out there who have shifted wholeheartedly in their behaviour on many different fronts to help save our environment.


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