Friday, 1 February 2019

The Few Questions A Husband Shouldn't Answer...Ever..

Ignorance is bliss.

Now and again I put Bob through the question circuit and by and large he is rather surefooted and adroit at deflecting and handling the impossible ones. But today, he fell into my verbal trap.

" Schatzi, do I look as old as her? "
Naturally, ' her ' was chosen with great care and I hoped her decades of smoking and partying would make my question purely rhetorical...well, how wrong was I!
" Oh, ja ah well I am not sure. "
My heart dropped and I went silent ( serves me right for asking in the first place ) starting to wonder if I had developed myopic bathroom vision? Weak lighting perhaps? Good grief, had I become one of those women who have forgotten a decade or two and still think they are young and with-it? Was I becoming a version of mutton dressed as lamb?

About thirty seconds later, Bob ( bless his heart ) went into damage control confessing that his thoughts had been elsewhere and he only realized the import of my question now. And no he said, she looked much older, almost another generation...! What a sweetheart, my Pinocchio!


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