Saturday, 9 February 2019

Driving To Stock Up For An Saturday Afternoon Pig-Out!

The vegan revenge!

A sedate afternoon watching skiing on the telly brought forth my better half's statement:

" Honey, let's drive to Kohfidisch Spar to buy some pig-out stuff. "
Honestly, it didn't take me long to get behind my husband. As one does...Images of ice cream, chips and biscuits floated in both of our minds as we drove hastily to the shop.

In anticipation we already wore comfy clothes but as the first bit of the store is the veg aisle, we got a slight bit side tracked! Both of us did our best to peruse in leisure the various offerings banded about. And there lay the rub...independently we both read ingredients and decided against most things.

Our bodies and taste buds must have adjusted to healthy living because as hard as we tried we couldn't come up with more than a bag of crisps, oven chips and pulled ' vegan pork ' for dinner. As we were laying the various items out to be scanned, I couldn't help but notice how our lifestyle has changed. For the better of course. All the usual suspects of previous pig-out festivals were glaringly absent which pleased me to no end.

At one point I even thought of adding a packet of expensive vegan creamed spinach ( I have been eyeing it at every shop ) into my pig-out stash but reason prevailed. Bob weakened at his favourite crisps ( vegan of course ) but crisps are still not everyday food which made it quite a conundrum as they had a special of buy 3 and get one free and who doesn't like a bargain? Bob heroically told me that he would only eat one packet a week but then again my husband is rather adapt at cramming three weeks into a weekend.


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