Monday, 10 June 2019

A Mellow Last Day Of A Long Weekend.

Another day in paradise.

Today was the official start to my flower duty and so far so good. Seven in the morning saw me schlepping several filled watering cans to the various beds languishing thirstily in front of me. There is a watering station next to the flower beds, so it actually was easy to do.

All in all I must have used about ten full watering cans but I must confess that it was a bit nerve wrecking trying to find the happy medium. My track record of keeping flowers alive isn't too great! To douse or not to douse? Ah, the intricacies of village life.

As my luck would have it, the head prefect of the village committee has her bedroom windows in full view of these flower beds and even though I hoped she was still sleeping in, I had a niggling suspicion that she was keeping an eye on me. Just for good measure I dead headed a few of the beyond help flower heads and think I did a fair enough job...

Watering done I carried on towards my favourite route and was met with brilliant sunshine, buzzing, twirling and the odd bark of a dog. A morning far too nice to stay in bed although a few might have decided to revive their vitality after a Sunday spent at the Burg Frühschoppen.

Often when I walk this way I encounter an older gentleman and his dog. He or rather both of them are always in the best of moods and even today he showed me a lone poppy which he thought was the bee's knees. What a nice change to have a conversation with someone who loves life, appreciates everything it has to offer and is as mad about his dog as we are about our cats. Just goes to show that it again are the simpler things in life which make a life well lived...


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