Saturday, 8 June 2019

Are You Retired?

God, what a shock!

One always tends to think in youthful terms, one tends to believe one is still twenty or so and one definitely doesn't believe one is old. Not much different with me. Only odd glimpses of a too well lit mirror let an inkling of the inescapable truth come through. I ain't twenty no more!!!

Naturally I try and defy the aging and like my husband try and dress according to what we think is age appropriate ( sadly it lets us be stuck in the glory days of the 90's at least side stepping the shoulder pad craze of the 80's ). Yes, we do try and live a young age and are happy in the belief that it might have conned a few people into thinking us a decade younger....until today that is.

I was speaking to a friend's neighbour who more or less is my age ( ? ) when all of a sudden he turned to me and asked:

" So, are you on pension already? "
Oh my god, I was stunned for a second. Do I already get classed into the pensioner's category? When did that happen and am I the proverbial mutton dressed as lamb? Well, this man was clearly on a roll of hidden insults because a minute later he asked me again:
" That young man that was living here last year, was that your son? "
Oh my, what a Saturday indeed. Well, not to be outdone, I quipped:
" This young man you are asking about better be around twenty because if you are asking me about an older man, I might have to punch you. "
I think that by then he had realized how utterly charming he had been and tried to back track a tad. At least, a bit later in the conversation he mentioned that he thinks there might be some truth to the earth being flat after all...I rest my case.


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