Thursday, 13 June 2019

A Slice Of Early Morning Village Life.

The watering saga continues.

It was just after six this morning that I was manning my watering station outside the fire station. Rather apt indeed. The two watering cans were already full and as I was approaching my first flower bed, I saw one of the local students walk to her bus stop. Lovely in summer but imagine catching the bus at six in winter? Yikes, but do it they do.

When I refilled the two cans, I had the opportunity to stare out into the road and wasn't disappointed. Gosh, early mornings are the hub of activity. A school bus idled past and apart from the driver most of the kids were nodding off to sleep or perhaps the deed of staring at one's phone resembles nodding off...

Two more cans dispersed and back to refill them. Next the bus to Vienna came past and it was rather full of people. Vienna and back every workday must be a tough pill to swallow. There it must be nicer to sit in the bus during winter than in summer. Two and a bit hours baking before and after work can't be much fun.

Today the beds were thirstier than yesterday but all those numerous refills gave me a chance to notice things and people. A car sharing crew drove past with everyone apart from the driver lolling their heads comfortably against the window. Still asleep and not prepared to take any unnecessary time away from the cloudy surrounds.

The locals were a bit thin on the ground apart from some farmers cranking up their loud tractors. The odd car drove up to the cemetery for their own watering duties and apart from that I didn't encounter anyone set on keeping themselves healthy but perhaps I was too early. Getting up at the crack of dawn isn't everyone's cup of tea...


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