Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Doing Our Bit.

Leaving the world in a fairly reasonable shape for the next generation.

It boggles my mind to think that so many parents aren't doing their bit for the environment, climate change and global warming. What use is it to get your offspring into the right kindergarten, school and university when there won't be jobs available ( don't forget the love affair of big business with outsourcing to machines, robots or drones ) or even worse, no place safe and sound left to live. Priorities need to change.

As much as Bob and I get made fun of for being whole heartedly vegan, we are doing and have done more to help the environment since becoming vegan than all the time before with recycling, water saving and co. That has really made me pause for thought.

Parents could set examples like only shopping for what they need as opposed to what they want, holidaying closer to home, repairing clothes instead of throwing them out at the drop of a button ( guilty myself too ) and perhaps or at least becoming part time vegans. Imagine how much water would be saved and how much ground water wouldn't be polluted with all the fecal matter and antibiotics from the factory farms.

Doing the right thing isn't always the easy route to take but, how much longer are we willing to pass the buck to someone else whilst complaining about the errant weather, tough economy or lack of opportunity?

Since the smartphone has become our hand's extension complete with bank accounts, the addiction to ordering stuff at the drop of a hat has taken hold in society at large. Every time we spend money and the manner how we do so gives us power to either do good or not so good for the environment, bricks and mortar shops, or our ability to have a conversation. Shopping in real shops means having conversations, often benign but still an opportunity to brush up on the lost art of conversation.

As I am writing this I am well aware that it will not make an impression let alone an impact. It is far easier to go with the flow than it is to do the right thing and face ridicule, outrage and denial. We only have one life and one earth to live the way, am I the only one who thinks spending all those research dollars to live on Mars is stupid? Are we all going to take a one way ticket to Mars and bring our own camping gear?


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