Saturday, 29 June 2019

Jovial And Boisterous Camping Ensued.

The Pond comes alive...

It was the start of the summer holidays yesterday and some of the local kids celebrated it in style. The fishing enthusiasts, a tight group of friends who have just finished their second year of high school, made sure to see the holidays in with a bang. Camping. With their parents.

I think this is the second year and I must say, it did sound like they all had a lot of fun. The parents as much as the kids. The art of camping might be relegated to being an antique relic of the past, so it was nice to see local parents pull out all the stops. A neat row of tents were lined upon the edge of our pond and one could almost feel the feverish excitement of the kids.

Bob and I were only there by virtue of living in the line of sound. Yes, it was noisy, boisterous and as much as we were cursing them last night ( having the window open was a breath of fresh air but alas also afforded us front row seats to the noise ), it makes me glad that old fashioned holidays at home are still happening.

The party carried on well past midnight but finally they settled down or we fell into an exhausted slumber. Bob despite his grumbles had fond flashbacks to his childhood and camping with his parents and also perhaps he recalled making too much noise himself at times. Slightly Karmic!

Tonight we are one step ahead and have decided to sleep in the back room where an open window might not carry along the jovial sounds of a successful round of camping. What a wonderful way to mark the start of school holidays and what a wonderful way for families to be together...


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