Thursday, 9 August 2018

" Would You Like Fish Or Krautfleckerl For Lunch Tomorrow, Mrs W? "

A nice late morning visit at Güssing's old age home.

I had planned this visit a few days ago and despite today having been one of the hottest days of summer ever in our area ( up to 38 degrees in some parts of Burgenland ) I went ahead. Timing is vital when visiting guests of an old age home. Meals have to be circumvented with dexterity.

A few minutes off eleven saw me walk up one flight of stairs to this lady's room. Early for lunch but not really as most guests were sitting in their designated seats, bib around their necks, fork in hand and staring into the distance while awaiting lunch. Rather sad indeed.

We sat at the small table in her room and chatted about this and that pertaining to our village. Although only having lived in the home for a few years she still has her finger on the pulse of village happenings. In her circle of course. You know, when one lives in a home with everything structured around time, the one thing that can be slowed down are conversations.

Taking the time to chat without being interrupted by an annoying ping of a seemingly important but really a bland / useless message on Twitter, Facebook & co is a lost art. Looking at one's opposite instead of glancing down every few seconds could count as a modern day relaxation therapy.

After some time I got up to leave and wouldn't you know it, at the right time too. The meal trolley had finally reached her floor and as one of the nurses put down her tray, she asked:

" Would you like fish or Krautfleckerl tomorrow, Mrs W. ? "
Gosh, her eyes lit up!
" Oh, how divine, of course I'll have the Krautfleckerl. "
" That's perfect, I thought you might. "
Krautfleckerl are one of the favourite meals in our area. A deceptively simple dish of cabbage and pasta shells with flavour aplenty. A dish perfect for Catholic Fridays, stretched budgets and hungry kids. But the most important aspect to this dish is the memories of yesteryear it evokes in almost everyone, memories of their mothers and grandmothers having lovingly prepared it for their families.


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