Tuesday, 28 April 2020

The Reigns Are Loosened.

Life back to normal?

In a way I am looking forward to life resuming at a near normal level but on the other hand I am enjoying the more introvert lifestyle coupled with all the many opportunities to do absolutely nothing at home. Lounging, reading and eating are rather enjoyable hobbies!

The schools are next on the list of parolees and one wonders if the kids are not being sacrificed as the proverbial guinea pigs or if parents have sent a plea to have their angelic offspring go back to school. Shops have been open for two weeks now and so far so good. Restaurants are next on the exit list and that should prove interesting.

Eating out isn't only about the food but also about the ambiance and let's face it, the other people there. Nobody likes eating in an empty restaurant and sort of being on display but that might be our new reality. Firstly the restaurants can't have too many people at one time and secondly, many will be extremely cautious about stepping out to a restaurant. One would be a sitting duck for airborne thingies. Who knows how long these viruses can be hovering suspended in mid air?

Apart from the hovering viruses I can't help but wonder how healthy all that fumigation is? Have you seen those news segments where men in hazmad suits are spraying some ghastly looking stuff around hotel lobbies, hair salons or streets? That could be a whole new set of health problems in the offing. Keeping businesses clean after each and every customer is going to be a gargantuan task and I don't envy the one having to do it.

Hotels are almost last on the list but they can only open if all the rest of us have kept a vigilant social distance from now until the middle of May. The next few days will show if the slow opening of our economy has been successful at keeping the new cases to a minimum. Hopefully all goes reasonably well and that we can start on life after corona...a new normal for sure.


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