Thursday, 30 August 2012

What to Feed Chickens.

Chickens love wilted salad leaves !

The nice thing about living in the countryside, is that we get to do so many " Green " things. How often do we hear about the urgency of saving our planet, yet we don't quite know what we could do as individuals. At least for me it was like this.

Well, yesterday I discovered another way to do my bit. In the past, I would throw things into the bin, just like that. Lettuce that was maybe a bit discolored or wilted, bread that was not as fresh, being some of them. Now that our neighbour keeps chickens, I go over there and feed those things to them.

At first I was a bit worried, not knowing how much to give them, that I might have overfed them and that they would come down with a bout of " Stomach Upset ". So I popped over to them every few minutes to check on their health status. When they heard me at the gate ( I must admit that I made cute chicken clucking sounds ) their little feet could not run fast enought to get to me.

Embolded, I tossed a whole lot into the yard, and they almost knocked each other out, trying to be the one who got it all !
But before I realized that they were fine with my offerings, Bob pulled a fast one on me.

As I had not asked Werner, if it is okay for me to feed his chickens, I was extremelly worried that I had maybe done more harm than good. So Bob says, " Werner will know it was you."
" How would he know ? " came my nervous reply.
" Did you not see the security camera he has installed in the tree ? " Panicked, I raced to the window to see, only to hear Bob's hale and hearty laughter in the background...
" Only joking, there is no camera. But wouldn't it have been nice to hear your clucking noises on tape ! "


Clucking works...

Where is my food ?

Will dance for food !

A little kiss, perhaps ?

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