Let the cherry season begin...
Cherries are the first of the fruits to appear almost like magic but still to their own schedule. Cherry trees are filled with lush green leaves and only as the cherries turn red do they pop into our peripheral and seem to be everywhere.
Walking about the neighbourhood one can easily gorge on cherries along the way. A bit of a sticky affair too, as I tend to leisurely peruse each bit of fruit to see if it might be more than a vegan meal. These little white worms tend to favour some cherries and once you've seen the other half of a just bitten off worm dangling in the cherry, there is no going back. A sort of wormy imprint on one's mind.
Catching a glimpse of the red cherries also brings about a feeling of euphoria knowing that summer is here. Sunshine, warmth, blue skies and the accompanying avian orchestra. Most of us will unearth childhood memories of our own summer experiences. Swimming in the lake, sitting outside in the garden eating homemade cherry strudel, no school and the occasional trips to the ice cream shop.
Isn't there something magic about our happy childhood memories? Life, especially at the moment has many scary aspects to it, what with a possible Brexit looming and the unnerving presidential election across that proverbial pond. It all gets a bit too much to take in and what nicer way to avoid it than to pretend to be an ostrich and bury one's head in a heap of happy memories.
Rural life and its seasonal markers aren't for everyone, but for the life of me I don't understand that urban lifers would rather take their kids to a beach packed to the rafters instead of spending a summer or two exploring the simple splendour of nature. There is nothing better as a child than to climb a tree, pick fruit off it or run around a meadow filled with aromatic wild flowers while occasionally rolling in it just for the sheer joy of it.
Throw in a newly mowed meadow, or a field freshly sprayed with manure and a life time of memories are made, memories which form a strong anchor for us to cling to in this rather turbulent new world.
Abundance in Eisenberg....Biggi
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