Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Stinging Nettle Is Far More Than Just A Weed.

Mum introduces us to Stinging Nettle tea.

I can't tell you how often Bob and I have been emitting yelps of pain, usually in a high pitch, when we strayed too close to our hoards of stinging nettle. They tend to be everywhere and as we are more organic gardeners ( which means that we are a tad bit lazy and leave nature as it was ) they stay everywhere.

My Mum has a book by Maria Treben, a lady who was extremely knowledgeable about the medicinal use of herbs & plants found in nature. On Monday, Mum brought the book and a packet of dried stinging nettle so that we could try it. Reading the many benefits and cures associated with stinging nettle, had me convinced. In fact I straight away brewed a pot.

It tasted rather nice. Somehow I was expecting something less pleasant. Bob and I have been sipping the brew for two days now, and so far we feel good.

One added benefit for me has to do with hair. Even though my hair is curly, it does tend to be extremely fine and has a tendency to fall a lot. Imagine my joy at reading in this herbal book, that using a tincture of stinging nettle brew, is a fabulous addition to the hair washing regime, and even might thicken my hair!

Nature is amazing and thank goodness Bob and I are more laid back regarding gardening. At least we have steady supply of stinging nettle.

Stinging Nettle tea might not be for everyone, so please check with your Doctor or health care provider before trying it.

Here is an article from the University of Maryland, regarding benefits and possible side-effects of using stinging nettle.

Biggi Maria Treben Health Through God's Pharmacy: Advice and Proven Cures with Medicinal Herbs Maria Treben Heilkräuter aus dem Garten Gottes: Guter Rat aus meiner Kräuterbibel für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden Maria Treben Health Through God's Pharmacy: Advice and Proven Cures with Medicinal Herbs. New Edition: Advice and Experiences with Medicinal Herbs

Stinging Nettle in our garden.

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