Friday, 15 November 2013

Who Has More Check-up's, You Or Your Car?

November 14th was #WorldDiabetesDay.

The heading might sound a bit funny, but for most people it rings true. We are so keen to make sure our cars are properly serviced and looked after, but when it comes to our health we often turned a blind eye or a deaf ear ( who hasn't ignored a " Should you be eating that? " ).

Those world diabetes days, tend to kick our butts into action from cyberspace. All we need to do is have a simple blood test at our doctor or pharmacy. Yes, it might cost us money. Yes, it means a pin prick and a possible quick pain. And yes...we find out for sure!

Finding out for sure might be the reason some of us are too scared to do the test. Somehow visions of bad tasting food will appear. That was so yesteryear. Food cooked the diabetic way is so yummy and easy to make. Once you have weened yourself off the fast food and ready made foods, your taste buds change.

Diabetes is a very serious condition, but it is very manageable and preventable. There are of course several warning signs, and here is a list of signs & symptoms .

Most of you reading this will not have diabetes, but you might know someone who does. Most of you will not get it, but the habits passed on to your kids can determine their future health. In a positive or negative way. Sorry, I know this is a harsh statement to make.

Why not start today and incorporate a few simple changes into your lifestyle. Just do it for 30 days.

  • Change any ' white ' starches ( pasta / flour / rice / bread ) to wholewheat / brown.
    They don't cost that much more and they actually have more taste.
  • Do 30 mins of excercise each day. Walking, cycling or even just walking up and down at the local mall.
  • Here is an easy one for the wallet: Make all meals yourself. Don't buy fast or ready made foods.
  • Eat more vegetables

On a personal note, by pure chance, Bob was diagnosed with diabetes in February. On the day he had his blood tested, our Doctor told us one thing, that has stuck in my mind: " You know, his blood sugar level is so high, that if we hadn't discovered it today, in the not so distant future he might not have woken up! ". Have your loved one's checked out. It only takes a little bit of time, but might give you a lifetime in return....


Bob makes our bread now. Will tell you his recipe in tomorrows blog.
The taster! Oh yes, he got the Scherzel / crust...the most tasty part of any bread. Luckily each loaf has two!!

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