Monday, 12 February 2018

Retro Daisy And Siren Poppy.

Too stunning to leave wilting on my computer...

Those particular dears are from May several years back. I was looking through my photos to choose a few for a photographic competition when I stumbled upon that delightful May. You most likely have seen them before but like any bunch of flowers, they need to be admired more than with a glance.
Wild, stunning and prolific...retro daisy indeed.
My favourite poppy & daisy photo. One can even make out the texture of poppy's leaves and the happy attitude of the daisy support crew.
Nature left to be isn't that bad either. Sometimes I wonder why most of us are so obsessed with having a picture perfect garden which takes too much time, water and effort. Let nature be...
A different side to vines.
Stones, daisies and trickling waters remind me of spas, relaxing and meditations.


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