Sunday, 8 April 2018

An Apple A Day...

We've become blenders.

I can't even remember what made us firstly think of blending and secondly buying a blender. Usually we discuss, mumble and put it off for another time, but a few weeks ago Hofer had a blender on sale and after a lengthy pro and con discussion, it ended up in our trolley. Fair enough, I kept the slip just in case...

Well, this morning we finally unpacked this blender and had a divine cocktail of bananas, strawberries, ice cubes and milk. After the first sip we wondered why it had taken us so long to try it out. How easy indeed to make a smoothie. Initially our reason for buying it was to make green shakes of spinach, broccoli, cucumber and co but after tasting this mornings concoction, I fear we might go into the opposite taste direction.

Recently the apples we've had were tasteless ( store bought as ours hadn't ripened yet ) and not much fun to chew through, so liquidizing them with a dash of chocolate, peanut butter or even whiskey is the way to go.

Of course the blender is a big cumbersome item to find a place for in a small kitchen but I am sure that Bob and I will find the perfect place for it. A place where we'll not forget to use it and ideally a place next to the vegetable tray. What I am looking forward to the most is making banana ice cream with it as our old puree stick often sent out smoke signals trying to blend the frozen banana pieces into a smooth ice cream.

Once we've got the unhealthy choices out of our system we should be on track to making one healthy smoothie a day...


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