Thursday, 16 January 2014

Dear Cat, You Made My Day!

Each day has got something nice in store.

Yesterday we were invited to watch a local farmer burn his Schnapps. Bob and I were chuffed to bits, because they just don't invite people at random!

We were discussing the finer points of the burning process ( to be honest, it is too scientific for me, but Bob had that determined twinkle in his eye ) when I happened to glance outside through the window. Good Golly, Miss Molly...his cat was doing an Olympic display on an extremely thin tree branch.

This picture is of her decent, but I thought the first picture should burst with a bit of colour. Yet, can you see how much fun this little one was having?
Can you see how high up she was? For her it was a game of hide and seek with her partner in crime. You can see him longingly looking up at her.
When she climbed higher, the tree started to sway rather alarmingly. But this cat has a lot of spunk and almost looked like she was smiling.
Isn't this a classic shot?
" Are you sure you're not coming up to play with me? "
" There is nothing to be scared of. Just climb up already! It's so boring up here on my own..."
As it wasn't much fun without her friend, she did a somewhat graceful dismount. In case you think that this is her normal behaviour, it isn't. When I asked the farmer if I could take pictures of his cat because it was too precious, he couldn't believe it and even called his wife to come and have a look!


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