Saturday, 4 January 2014

You're Also A Creature Of Habit, Aren't You?

Tell me, do you think it depends on our age?

Good grief, I couldn't believe myself when I thought:

" After the first Höll trip we must stop and get a fresh bread roll at Frau Wachter's "...
It sounds innocuous enough, but this is our routine when we do the Höll run once a month, and has been from the beginning. More or less thirty times.

Oh yes, Bob and I are two prime examples of routine. Here are some of our top 10:

  1. Cleverly and with great foresight, I have managed to get Bob into the routine of washing the dishes every day. He is so into his dish washing routine, that alas, when I want to volunteer, he doesn't like least that is what I tell myself!
    Funny side story: The other day we were sitting around and chatting ( we, being a bunch of gals ) as we tend to do. Someone mentioned that their dishwasher was broken. I volunteered that mine was gone. When asked if the dishwasher was in for repairs, I said that no, Bob was away on holiday. Well, envy all around!
  2. Friday nights is home made pizza night. If we don't make one, I tend to feel a bit off.
  3. Bob showers after me...I cunningly worked out that he who showers last, has to clean the tiles!
  4. When we go grocery shopping, we somehow end up with a fresh bread roll in our hands. Routine or spooky?
  5. We each have our favourite spot to sit and watch TV and we never change it around.
  6. Bob will lock the garden gate only when it is dark. In winter it is at 5 pm in summer at more or less 9 pm.
  7. When I have my first cup of coffee at 5 am, I boil the milk on the stove and must have a sip of black coffee while I wait for it to boil up.

Habits and routines are funny, eyebrow raising, stupid or questionable at times. But I must admit, that those habits give structure to my day. Growing up, didn't we all like to think of ourselves as cool bohemian gals ? Oh well, clearly I am not and the world does need a few routine gals...


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