Wednesday, 15 January 2014

"What, So You Think I Look As Old As Her? "

Rose tinted glasses aren't just for the newly in love...

I know its vain. In fact very vain, but alas I am only human. When did it start? Arriving in your fourth decade is often a hard nut to crack.

The funny thing is that I still see myself with those rose tinted glasses and let's be honest, they are stuck at about mid-thirties. A place where wrinkles were on the horizon but still at bay and grey hair could still be counted on one hand. One can dream! At least Bob has a pair of those glasses as well.

  • " Biggi, do you know that Brett ( eh, this is an alias of course ) is about my age? Be honest, surely I don't look as old as him? "
  • We tend to watch the TV reality program-Das perfekte dinner-and they kindly give the age of all their competitors. Oh, you can guess how often we play the game of ...
    " Do I look as old as her / him ?"...To keep the marital peace we have both learned to convincingly utter
    " Oh gosh no, you look at least 8 years younger! "
  • Isn't it extremely painful when you see an interview with an actor, actress or pop star
    ( those elect few that graced your wall in the form of a poster ) and they put the age next to their name...Good God, they are mostly middle aged or even pensioners! Surely we are not thaaaat old?
    Oh, can you guess that I am mentally still stuck in the eighties where Pop Stars belted out tunes such as " Never gonna give you up " / " Wild boys..." / " Walking on sunshine " / " Everybody have fun tonight " " Pass the Dutchie " P/S: If you can name the singers of these songs... hee hee, you are my age too!
    100 Hits Presents: Karaoke 80's
  • You know, the one thing that rips those rose tinted, gosh one could actually call them view by candle light glasses off our faces faster than you can say " Good Day ", is when you go shopping and someone younger than you holds the door open for you / gets up to give you a seat on the bus / addresses you in the proper manner of the
    ' used to be young ' ..." Madam / Sir ". Oh, that hurts like mad.

Apart from all of the above, I love my forties! What about you?


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